Posted on behalf of: Denis Zhelenkov, Raymond Yu, Ryan Lai, Ting Fang, Rachel Tang, Brigitte Priebe,  May Chow, Olivia Zhou, Raymond Kaan and Jenny Park

If you were put on the spot, how quickly would you be able to say what SRSM stands for?

SRSM stands for Scheduling, Records & Systems Management, but this only covers three of our four groups. Missing from the acronym  is HR & Learning and Engagement. We thought adding HRLE to SRSM might be a bit much, so SRSM it is.

There’s one more equally important team in SRSM. They are represented by the letter S. It’s the Vancouver Scheduling Project Team!

All of our teams are located in the basement of Brock Hall. The Scheduling Project Team sits in room 0017 and the rest of us are in room 0040. Check out the BH basement seating chart for where to find each of us.

Read on to learn about what each of our teams do, who the members of each team are, and a bit about us. And don’t forget to read the other posts for recommendations from each of us, as well as some games. You might even win a prize!

Scheduling Services

Pictured: Ryan, Rachel, Ellen, Olivia, Denis, Brigitte, May; Not pictured: Oana

Vancouver Scheduling Project

Pictured: Jane, Victoria, Oana, Sahir; Not pictured: Annie, Coby and Claudio

What do we do?

The Scheduling Operations team is responsible for the overall coordination of all of the University’s general classrooms. The unit coordinates academic course schedules, ad hoc event use of classrooms, and final exam schedules, and processes liquor license requests for indoor functions in unlicensed areas of the Vancouver campus.

UBC has launched a project to improve and transform its scheduling pattern and academic course scheduling model. As such, the Scheduling Project team was formed. In alignment with the University’s core purpose and the new strategic plan our project team will work collaboratively with the scheduling community to develop innovative, flexible and future proof solutions to support transformative teaching and learning.

Who are we?

  • Oana Toma – Associate Director, Scheduling Services and Business Lead, Scheduling Project
  • Denis Zhelenkov – Manager, Scheduling Services and Project Coordinator, Scheduling Project
  • Ellen Luu – Team Lead, Scheduling Services
  • Sahir Moosvi – Business Data Analyst, Scheduling Project
  • Jane Young – Scheduling Analyst, Scheduling Project
  • Victoria Liu – Scheduling Analyst, Scheduling Project
  • Claudio Storelli – Change Management & Communications Analyst, Scheduling Project
  • May Chow – Scheduling Coordinator, Scheduling Services
  • Rachel Tang – Scheduling Coordinator, Scheduling Services
  • Brigitte Priebe – Scheduling Coordinator, Scheduling Services
  • Ryan Lai – Scheduling Coordinator, Scheduling Services
  • Olivia Zhou – Scheduling Coordinator, Scheduling Services
  • Annie Yim, Project Lead, Scheduling Project
  • Coby Thurmeier, Change Management & Communications Strategist, Scheduling Project

Our achievements:

Scheduling Operations Team
  • Each year, Scheduling Services schedules approximately 17,000 activities (3,000 specific to UBCO). Roughly 11,000 events are also booked annually, along with about 150 Distance Education exams written by nearly 6,900 students both on and off campus.
  • We work closely with 150+ Timetable and Scheduling Representatives in 22 Faculties and Schools, and work in partnership with: Facilities Planning, UBC IT Audio Visual Services, UBC IT Academic Systems Support, ES SIS Security, Building Operations, and Conferences & Accommodations.
  • Each term we schedule exams for 1,700 courses, roughly 40,000 students, resulting in almost 100,000 student exams. This is over an exam period that is 14 days long.
Scheduling Project Team

Recently the Project Team finished consulting and following-up with the Pilot Group in regards to their scheduling inputs. These inputs collected through a Web Data Collector tool will allow us to conduct productive simulations and evaluations of the various scheduling options.

What don’t we do?

  • We don’t manage student registration requests and inquiries related to student records. Most of our work is non-student-facing.
  • We don’t invigilate final exams as this falls into the departmental domain of work.
  • We don’t manage outdoor bookings and events for the UBC Point Grey campus as they are managed by Community Development, a unit within Campus + Community Planning.
  • We don’t oversee or book spaces in the Nest, UBC Robson Square, UBC Okanagan, or at any UBC Hospitals.

Student Records Management

Pictured: Jessika, Vicki, Brenda, Tiffany, Raymond K, Christine, Raymond Y

What do we do?

If you’ve ever wondered where our transcripts and diplomas come from or who handles those tricky registration issues or who maintains Degree Navigator for the faculties, then look no further than the Student Records Management team.

Who are we?

  • Jessika Baroi – Degree Navigator Coordinator and Graduation Support
  • Vicki Jung – Transcript Coordinator
  • Raymond Kaan – Associate Director
  • Brenda Rooke – Graduation Coordinator
  • Christine Williams – Registration Coordinator
  • Tiffany Yang – Team Lead
  • Raymond Yu – Transcript Clerk

Our achievements:

  • 50,000+ transcripts printed a year
  • 12,000+ parchments printed a year
  • 7000+ courier orders sent a year
  • 700+ grade changes processed a year
  • 400+ programs maintained in Degree Navigator
  • 126 years of cumulative UBC experience

Did you know?

  • Transcripts (except for same-day) are printed off-site with our printing partner Xerox who are located at Westbrook Village
  • The gold on the graduation parchments and holders is real gold leaf

Student Systems Management

Pictured: Jason, Adrian, Ting, Kristina, Jenny and Alvin

What do we do?

  • Grant, Remove and Update access for SIS
  • Reporting and Analysis
  • Program and Specialization Set-up
  • Troubleshooting
  • Manage Registration Bots
  • We work with all campuses, including UBCO

We play a role in managing access to and security of student information and a number of enterprise systems. This includes the Student Information System (SIS), which houses the FSC, SISC, and SSC, as well as other integrated systems, e.g, Scientia.

Who are we?

  • Jason Kwok – Associate Director
  • Alvin Oh – Business Solutions Analyst, Team Lead
  • Adrian Lee Chuy – Business Solutions Analyst
  • Ting Fang – Business Solutions Analyst
  • Jenny Park – Systems Coordinator
  • Kristina Shen – Systems Coordinator

Interesting facts:

Peak Times – Our peak times are between April-May and September, as students and faculty are busy with the new year.

Service Now – We receive anywhere between 400 to 1000 tickets per month on our CRM platform.

Myth Busters! – We do not assist with desktop set-up. There are over 10 systems/IT teams across campus that can help you in different aspects!

Did you know? – If a staff member leaves their current position, you must let us know to remove their SIS access to fortify security.

HR & Learning and Engagement

Pictured: Coby, Ashley, Manpreet and Annie

What do we do?

The HR, Learning & Engagement (HRLE) team provides leadership for HR practices and learning and engagement initiatives supporting the staff across both campuses. We rely on collaboration with our colleagues across ES to realize a variety of HR and learning initiatives that foster continuous learning and an exceptional employee experience.

Who are we?

Ashley Elchuk, HR Business Partner
Ashley works with the staff and managers across ES to provide support on every day employment and staff questions, as well as works on larger projects that are intended to improve the experience for all our employees, such as the Performance Development Conversations approach! Ashley also provides advice and guidance on best practices in HR, and is the primary liaison between our department and central HR.

Manpreet Virdi, Administrative Assistant
Manpreet provides clerical support to staff across the department. She supports the finance team with OPT data entry as well as visa reconciliations for other individuals. She also supports on special projects and tasks, such as reconciling spreadsheets and ensuring that our department and unit directories are accurate and up-to-date!

Annie Yim, Associate Registrar & HR Director
In addition to her leadership of the registrarial functions of SRSM, Annie is also the HR Director for Enrolment Services. She sets the strategy for our HR vision in the department, and works closely with Ashley and Coby to develop and implement the various HR and Learning initiatives, events and programs that supports the departmental culture and development and well-being of ES staff.

Coby Thurmeier, Learning & Engagement Strategist
Coby supports SRSM and Enrolment Services on a number of ongoing and ad hoc initiatives that enable  the integration of learning approaches and tools, staff development, and internal communication. Some of the initiatives that Coby leads, co-leads or supports that you might be familiar with include ES Wellness Afternoon, ES Connected, and the Personal Profile Reader Training.

Our achievements:

  • The launch of the new Performance Development Conversations Approach – according to the last check-in survey over 80% of respondents have had a performance conversation within the past 3 months
  • Our ES PD fund has funded over 200 individual activities over the past 3 years in addition to group training and team retreats
  • The ongoing success of ES Wellness Afternoon. Several staff members have shared with us that it’s their favourite day of the year. After six years, it’s great to hear feedback that this event continues to be valued by our colleagues.
  • This year’s BBA Reader Training which also launches today (November 18)! This year, Coby and Natalie Fallis worked with Zenia Ferreira and Lena Ignatovich (a grad student hired thanks to  the Equity Enhancement Fund) to revamp the training and build out much more robust training on equity, diversity and inclusion, and implicit bias. After decoupling it from the personal profile reader training in the coming months, we will make the training available to all staff.

What don’t we do?

  • ES HR doesn’t have any insight into the administration of benefits or payroll, however we are still to help if you need any support with advocacy or aren’t sure whom you should contact
  • In general, you’re better off coming to Ashley with any HR questions than emailing them to the assigned HR Advisor or HR Associate at central – they usually just forward the questions to Ashley anyway!
  • Want to develop some training for your staff, colleagues in ES or across UBC? You don’t need to tackle it alone. Coby can help you develop an overall strategy, find technology to assist you, and help you plan out the steps you need to take to get it up and running. What Coby can’t do is write content for you. Only the subject matter expert can do that.

Interesting facts about SRSM

Where we’ve traveled

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Languages we speak

UBC graduates