Name: Una
Age: 7 (turning 8 in April)
Breed: Norwegian Elkhound
Human: Heidi Maddess from the International Student Initiative (Okanagan campus)

What is your dream job? 
I already have my dream job! I am a proud member of the B.A.R.K (Building Academic Retention through K9s) program at UBC’s Okanagan campus. I spend the day in the office with my human and with her coworkers in the International Student Initiative and Student Recruitment and Advising. When we’re not hard at work, we go to sessions where I get to meet lots of students. Sometimes they seem stressed, so I let them feel how soft and fluffy I am. It makes them feel better.

What do you do when you’re home alone?
When I’m not busy plotting world domination, I like to snooze on my big, soft bed in the living room.

What’s the best trick that you’ve played on your human?
I am a hound and I love to track other animals, especially when my human and I are snowshoeing. Sometimes I run after deer and don’t come when Heidi calls, so she has to spend an hour tracking me. I call it “Track and Seek”!

What’s your favourite thing to eat that you’re probably not allowed to eat? 
Popcorn as it flies out of the air popper. Yum! I am much faster than my human at collecting the ones that land on the floor. I am a strong believer in the 10-second rule.

How do you feel about cats?
They are perfect for practicing my tracking skills. I can smell one from a mile away. They usually run away but I don’t know why. Is it something I said?