Name: Chris Marriott
Position: Student Services Assistant, Okanagan Campus

If you were an animal, what would you be?
Since flying would be a pretty amazing activity I would have to go with dragon! Being able to travel far reaching distances and explore almost anything and have “heightened” perspective would be an amazing experience. Otherwise, in real-human land, I would say an eagle or an orca.

What is your favourite thing about Kelowna?
Our access to almost any outdoor activity….I guess this can include wine-touring. Kelowna has held me close due to its “vacation-lifestyle”, allowing for all types of adventures; skiing, ski-touring, hiking, camping, biking, climbing and water sport access in minutes. Life’s luxuries!

Have you lived other places than Kelowna? If so, where?
I grew up in a small rural area in Southwestern Ontario on the border to Michigan. I spent about two months living in Kitsilano area in Vancouver when I was 18, subsequently spending two ski seasons in Whistler. I also spent about eight years in London, Ontario prior to moving to Kelowna.

Favourite food or beverage (or both)?
I have a slight caffeine love, specifically Bean Scene Americanos. I also enjoy exploring local wines & craft beers. They know me by name at Momo Sushi & Bean Scene, which probably tells the story!

Favourite kind of tree (and why)?
Willow tree – they have always fascinated me with their beauty and surreal dream-like appearance. Their encompassing and strong trunk & hanging branches appear to provide shelter, strength and a place to gather and reflect.

What is something interesting you want to share with your ES colleagues?
I don’t find myself that interesting…… I love dogs and most animals, and also children (which I usually refer to as “puppies”). I find they can re-teach adults so many things we have forgot along our life journey. They live in a different world we think we understand yet often don’t take the time to “live” ourselves. Most importantly I believe they remind us how to play, love, forgive, appreciate and hold compassion for those in your life. Thank you furry ones and puppies. 🙂