Who: Judy Wong
Unit: Student Support and Advising
Position: Enrolment Services Advisor
Since: July 2018

Professional Background:

I graduated from Emily Carr in 2011 with a Bachelor of Design in Communication Design. Through volunteer opportunities in my community, I developed an interest in teaching and working with youth. I went on to pursue a Bachelor of Education from UBC in secondary teaching, with a specialization in art. Since graduating in 2012, I have worked in both private and public post-secondary capacities in advising, teaching, and student engagement. Most recently, I completed a Master of Education from the University of Calgary, with course work in educational leadership and counselling psychology. The focus of my research was exploring best practices in improving student transition and retention in higher education.


I’m a foodie, I love exploring places to eat in Vancouver and always welcome recommendations! I love walks and cuddles with my dog Kubee (he’s a Pomeranian and turning 11 this year). For the past 12 years, every possible Saturday morning I go to a watercolor painting class and paint to maintain my art practice.