New Staff Spotlight: Melissa Kuipers

Who: Melissa Kuipers
Unit: Student Support and Advising
Position: Associate Enrolment Services Professional
Since: October 2017

Professional Background: I graduated from UBC in 2016 with a BA in English Literature. While completing my degree, I worked in community in a number of different roles: advocacy, outreach, and other front-line service provisions. I’ve worked at the UBC Learning Exchange supporting the drop-in and facilitating computer skills workshops, and the Centre for Community Engaged Learning, supporting their co-curricular community-based experiential learning programs.

Personal: Outside of work, I spend quality time with my 16-year-old foster cat Bandit, obsess over true crime TV shows and podcasts, hang out at bars that look like your favourite uncle’s basement, and play the most romantic instrument: drums.

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