Let me begin with a brief summary of my first recruitment season:
8 weeks of travelling, dozens of cities, hundreds of schools, and more Tim Horton’s than I can count.

This is the glamorous life of a Student Recruiter-Advisor in the fall. Constantly on the move, I was never in one place for too long. Bouncing from city to city, from hotel to hotel, it gave me a sneak-peak into the life of a rock star on tour. The gymnasium was my stage and the students were my fans. I may not play guitar like Jimmy Hendrix or have a voice like Adele, but I felt like a rock star nonetheless.

Everyday was exciting and different, and every place was new. Born and raised in Ontario, I only recently relocated to the west coast. As I flew, drove, or ferried around the beautiful province of British Columbia, I began to create a mental map. I filled this map with highways and dirt roads, mountains and plains, and all of the trees in between. Not wanting to forget these splendid sights, I was sure to snap a few photos throughout my journey.

Overlooking Vancouver
Overlooking Vancouver from Mt Seymour
Scenic lunch
Stopping for a scenic lunch on the Plain of Six Glaciers Trail

With the highs, there were surely lows. I pushed through illness and lost my voice (more than once), before I realized that I needed to take better care of myself. This meant sleeping more, eating less fast food, visiting the fitness centres in the hotels, and just listening to what my body needed. As much fun as being a rock star was, I needed to slow down and get back into a healthy routine.

Being away from home for such a long period of time was certainly exhausting, but there were definitely some perks to life on the road. In my opinion, the best part of travelling was sleeping in a hotel bed. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of crawling under the warm, soft covers of a hotel bed after a long day of travelling. No matter how hard I try to recreate this experience at home, it’s just not the same. How they make the beds so soft and the pillows so fluffy, I may never know.

But after 8 weeks of travelling, dozens of cities, hundreds of schools, and more Tim Horton’s than I can count… I was happy to finish my journey and return home to my own bed.

Home sweet home
Home, sweet home.