
Photo by klwinky/ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

It’s that time of year again – Spring graduation is happening! And we are looking for marshalls for the ceremonies that will be happening between May 25 and June 1.

Marshalls hand students their diplomas in the basement ballroom of the Graduate Student Centre before they head to their ceremony held in the Chan Centre.

How it works:
  • 2 volunteers spend about 30 minutes at the ceremony, preparing and handing out diplomas
  • The volunteers show upĀ 45 minutes prior to the time outlined in the Doodle poll which is the official ceremony start time (i.e. if the ceremony starts at 9:30am, please arrive at 8:45am)
  • A senior marshall will give students their instructions, and the students will then be led past the marshalls in 2 lines
  • As they walk past, marshalls hand them their diplomas
  • When the diplomas have all been distributed, the marshalls are free to head back to the office!
Interested in volunteering?

Select a ceremony and enter your full name on the Doodle poll. The signup deadline is April 29.

The Spring 2016 graduation ceremony schedule can be found here.

Have friends who are graduating?

If you have a friend who is graduating, let us know when you arrive and we can ensure you are in the line up where your friend will be processing through, and you can congratulate and give them their diploma yourself!