Networking Workshop- get ready for Career Fair!!!

Networking is a great skill to have when looking for a job, which is why we’re hosting this workshop to help you improve your networking skills! We are partnering with UBC Career Services to teach environmental students what you should and shouldn’t be doing when you speak with potential employers.

Come to out Networking workshop and apply it during our Career Fair so you can land that summer/permanent job you always dreamed of!

Date: Feb. 24, 2015
Time: 5pm
Location: EOSM 135

See our Facebook event pages
Networking Workshop:
Career Fair event page:

Thanks to UBC Career Services for kindly agreeing to come out and help us host this event.


Career Fair 2015

Hi Folks,

ESSA would like to officially announce that we will be hosting our annual Career Fair on March 4, 2015 at 5pm in the Earth Science Building foyer.

ESSA Career Fair 2015


Last year, we had 21 different groups and several hundred students come out to the event. This year, we will be inviting NGOs, private companies, government organizations and alumni related to the field of environmental science to help you learn more about what you can do with your degree, to network and to socialize.

Stay tuned to see who will be on our guest list!

Also check out these photos from last year’s Career Fair!

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Degree Planning Lunch

Don’t know which Area of Concentration to focus on? Which courses you should be taking? Which count as required and which as electives? Navigating through courses for your Environmental Sciences degree can be tough and confusing. Come to ESSA’s Degree Planning event where you can talk to upper year students in Environmental Science and Tara Ivanochko, a program advisor.

When: Sept. 30, 12:30pm-1:30pm
Where: ESSA Club Room, EOSM 208J

Join our Facebook event! Click here

Degree planning

Meet your Prof Night

Hello ENSC students!

Ever wonder what your prof is like outside of the classroom? Want to make friends in Environmental Science? All ENSC students and professors of ENSC related courses are welcome to come chat at Koerner’s Pub on Sept. 22 from 7-8:30pm! Get to know one another, network and socialize. There will be free appies for those who get there early!


Here’s a poster, for your viewing pleasure:

ESSA Peer Review

The deadlines for ENVR 200, 300 and 400 term projects are fast-approaching. If you think you’d like a second opinion on your project, and if you’re interested in what your peers are working on, be sure to attend ESSA’s Peer Review Event next week on Monday, 5-7PM @ EOSM 121. You bring a copy of your project (limit – about 10 pages), you and your peers will provide excellent peer review, and ESSA will provide refreshments!

Check out our event page on Facebook!

Official Career Fair Company Guest List

Take a look at who’s officially coming to the Career Fair! This document contains all the organizations that are coming, names of the representatives from the organization and short biographies on the organization.