Module 2: weblog 2 (Chantal Drolet)

Canadian Education Association: Aboriginal Peoples

An “Expected Outcome” of the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012) is to increase the literacy levels in communities or groups that are excluded from the mainstream, namely indigenous groups, where literacy is “inextricably linked to cultural survival.”

Resources available:

In Canada, […] the achievement levels and graduation rates for Aboriginal students are significantly lower than those of non-Aboriginal students. The majority of Aboriginal youth do not complete high school; leave the school system without skills for employment; without adequate language and cultural knowledge of their own people; and feel that schooling experiences erode their identity and self-worth.

Links to other sites:

Usefulness for research on Indigenous knowledge, media, and community reality:

In the context of the struggle for cultural survival and self-determination faced by many indigenous groups, raising literacy levels in the dominant language of the larger community can be a tool for indigenous political action.



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