Module 1: First Nation SchoolNet
First Nation SchoolNet
This organization is sponsored by the First Nation Education Steering Committee and First Nation School Association.
The mandate of the First Nation School Net is to connect First Nation Schools by internet. In addition to its sponsors it has a number of funding partners that enable it to develop and implement practical, yet vital, programs that build ICT knowledge and understanding with First Nation youth.
Provide First Nation schools with ICT infrastructure Provide ICTs in the classroom Support the ICT skill development for teachers and students Extend internet connectivity to First Nation schools that haven’t received it yet e-library tech support e-learning (Coolschool)
A couple of examples are as follows: A language lab that is resourced to First Nation communities seeking to build capacity with the youth by having them use media technology for the preservation of Aboriginal languages and traditions. Secondly, it supports a program for digital literacy. This is a 20 week program that provides training to Aboriginal youth to prepare them for employment opportunities within their communities. Those participating also participate in an on-line workshop known as Internet and Computer Core Certification (IC3).
Reports that are available are attached to each page as opposed to having one publication page.
In development – none available at this time
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