Module#1 Entry#3 Dilip Verma
First Nations Pedagogy
This site has been active since 2006 and is a personal site for June Kaminski of mixed race (First Nation and European blood) who is currently working on a PhD in Curriculum Studies and Technology Education. The objective of the site is to promote First Nations Pedagogy worldwide. It focuses on the ways of knowing, learning and teaching in first nation education and the sites works to help educators design educational initiatives for first world communities. June works as a consultant and offers her services through the site, however there are also links to interesting and scholarly papers.
Site Address:
June’s specialty field is health, but the site offers links to several interesting papers on pedagogy such as:
Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy in First Nations education
Distance education in remote Aboriginal communities: Barriers, Learning Styles and Best Practices. –
Pedagogical Considerations of Using Moodle in Course Development
This site offers a good place to get idea of best practices in indigenous education. As I am particularly interested in using technology to help Indigenous communities develop a discourse, the articles on distance education and the use of Moodle are particularly interesting.
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