Fanshawe virtual library – mod 1 post 2

I decided to keep my search closer to home so I went to Fanshawe College, the college where I work. Their virtual library has a list of aboriginal links.


Associations & directories go »
Dictionaries & encyclopedias go »
Portals go »
Databases and e-journals:
Education & training
News & current events
Residential schools

I am very excited to see Databases and e-journals which include Education and training.

Again, staying with the theme of staying home I jumped on the First Nations Technical Institute link
An Aboriginal owned and operated education and training facility located near Deseronto, Ontario.

Not much here to offer information about blogging but interesting to see what types of programs they offer and which universitites and colleges they partner with.

Then there is a link to Six Nations Polytechnic – Post-secondary institution at Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario, Canada. They also offer programs in partnership with main stream Universities and colleges in Ontario


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