Weblog 1: Cultural Survival

Hi everyone,

I was speaking to my mother this week and she was asking about the course I’m studying right now, so I was sharing a bit about our start in ETEC 521. She started talking about this site: Cultural Survival, and I find it to be very useful as an informational base about on-going work done to try to advocate for environmental protection and protection of rights. For those interested in language, there is a tab for ‘Endangered Languages’ under the ‘Programs’ tab. There is also a tab for ‘News & Articles’ which provides an interesting look at how issues around indigenous populations are current in the media.

Here is a portion from the site’s history:

‘We publicize Indigenous Peoples’ issues through our award-winning publications; we mount letter-writing campaigns and other advocacy efforts to stop environmental destruction and abuses of Native Peoples’ rights; and we work on the ground in Indigenous communities, always at their invitation.’

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