Can technology help to revitalize and support dying languages?

As a language teacher, I understand that languages are a very important aspect to culture. Languages shape and define a culture. Even the English language adds cultures to its regions. England would not be the same if they spoke like those in parts of the US or Canada. The language, right down to the accent and dialect, gives cultures a special uniqueness. When reading through some of the optional readings in Module 2, I came across this quote: “Computers, video cameras and recorders can’t save languages; only people can do that,” says Penfield, “but technology can support revitalization efforts” (UA News Services, 2004). Therefore, I plan to research language revitalization using technology because I believe that technology can help revitalize languages in aboriginal communities and feel that it is important to do so.

I plan to investigate languages that are close to my area in hope to give my own Aboriginal Support colleagues a way to reach our students. I feel that if I focus part of my research on helping those whom I work with and teach, I will be able to see and feel an impact. My essay may include themes such as revitalization efforts in Canada/BC, Languages in my area that are spoken and how they are being revitalized, and technology that can enhance and support language revitalization.


UA News Services. (2004). Professor Uses Technology to Preserve Tribal Languages. Retrieved from

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