RURE Standards – Mod 2, post 5

On Thursday, June 20, 2013 I was lucky enough to be invited to host a webinar about my work developing “open learning” opportunities for High School students. Specifically, I have been thinking about how to integrate connectivist MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) into k12 learning environments.

My webinar can be found at this link: VIDEO of Webinar

At the end of the webinar,Dr. Lee Graham and Matthew Turner stayed to chat for a few minutes because they were surprised that I had transitioned into working with FNMI students. One of the next projects Sean Lessard and I hope to work on, is a project where the students go out on a camp for a week, and video their experiences. Then they will create their own cultural digital stories.

Matthew Turner has done a lot of work developing videos based on FNMI cultural experiences through video already and I hope to connect with him to learn more. Here’s the link to his webinar: Flipped Learning

His work with the Alaska Humanties Forum on Cross Cultural Standards is well done and I hope to learn more about his work integrating tech and place based based learning.

Some links to Matthew’s work include:

RUMEStandards: Click HERE

Alaska humanities Forum : CLick HERE

Lesson Learned : If you can….always connect with with people who want to talk to you about your work. The fact that I connected with Lee – led me to Matthew. I loved talking with Lee and I know I have another amazing connection. Open learning and connections can encourage such amazing learning opportunities! I am so thankful when people reach out.



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