Module 3- Post 5: The Indigenous Caribbean portal on Ning

The Indigenous Caribbean portal on the Ning platform @ is a great example of how the indigenous people of the Caribbean are making use of technology both to reclaim and preserve their culture. The welcome message on the site encourages one to: create their own on-site blog; a new discussion on the network message board; music; video and photo slideshows that can then be played on any site across the Web. With so many options at their disposal the members of this site have produce a resource that has something for everyone from researcher to tribe member. For example Maximilian Forte is a professor of anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University  who’s  research interests have focused on the Carib Community of Arima, Trinidad is found here, so also is the Turabo  Taino Jaguar Warrior Society  of Puerto Rico are also  on a quest to  honor their Boricua warriors the Boriqueneers that fought for the US in world war two. Ignacio G. Rivera’s  question “where do we fit in? It seems like we are constantly fighting to prove that the Taino exists” in one of the discussion forums speaks for many indigenous people of the Caribbean and the world. Finally the article Guyana Police batters Indigenous Family on their Traditional Land… mining is now a problem to indigenous peoples in Guyana  uses video to graphically illustrates an encounter of one indigenous group with the police as they tried to protect their lands.

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