Weblog 3 Post 4 Austerity and Disparity TREMBLAY

Weblog 3 post 4

The anticipation for things to get better can really be disheartening for the most bold and forward thinking among us. Forget the cynics, the narcissists and the egotists, they don’t matter, especially with regards to this issue. The real people looking to the world and seeing the chaos, the disparity and suffering are waiting for that miracle where people will start caring again. Right now the lack of interest in the fellow citizen is the weakest link in our societal functions and has allowed unfettered exploitation by neoliberal interests.

Slovenian protests against Neo-liberal Austerity


How collaboration can battle apathy in a classroom


The problem with finding community in cyberspace:

Resistance in Italy to Neo-Liberal dismantling of social support structure. (Unfortunately not peer edited)


The feedback loop created by the combination of apathy and individualism has been more destructive to the forward progression of the middle class than any movement, politician or natural disaster could hope to be. However there is hope and it lies in one of the most logical, but still unexpected places. In the same way that the neoliberals have borrowed and adapted exploitation techniques from the colonial forefathers, we too must look at the people’s most affected by it and their successes and failures with regards to the hopeful recovery. Of course I speak of indigenous populations and more specific to Canada, First nations peoples.


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