Module 4- Post 2: Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany  website

To put it figuratively I went all the way to Germany to learn about indigenous people here at my home. For it was at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany @  that I found this wonderful article that is pertinent to my research interest.

Hats off to the people of Germany for joining with the in­ter­na­tional com­mu­ni­ty, in com­bat­ing pov­er­ty, securing food, establishing peace, free­dom, democracy and human rights, shaping globalization in a social­ly eq­ui­ta­ble man­ner, and pre­serv­ing the en­vi­ron­ment and natural resources. The document “Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean” is one of their efforts in this cause. It a document of the highest quality and highlights among other thing the major problems faced by indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean.  I learned that these are linked to the continued lack of recognition and practical consideration of:

  • their distinctive cultural and linguistic characteristics in the context of pluriethnic societies,
  • their social participation and own forms of organization,
  • their territorial rights, access to and use of land and resources,
  • Disproportionately high levels of poverty and poorer living conditions. 

This is website drives home the point that the solution to indigenous issues are requires participation from everyone.

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