Tag Archives: cultural protection

Module 1 – Post 2 – Aboriginal Culture in a Digital Age


This fifteen page document is a balanced and informed discussion of many of the issues raised in Module 1. It examines the dual possibilities for technology and indigenous culture: does technology offer a protection of language and culture, and a way to unite and strengthen different Aboriginal cultures, or does it offer a potential threat to cultural knowledge and traditions? The paper is organized around three broad points. The first is a recognition of the “renaissance” of distinct Aboriginal cultural identities. The second is a look at the pervasive nature of technology in contemporary life, and its effect on “economic, social, and cultural fabrics”. The third point is an acknowledgment of the crucial need to “mitigate the potential risks” of technology on Aboriginal “languages, ecology, and heritage”. The discussion is informed by voices from Aboriginal communities, the government, education, and the private sector.
