Tag Archives: ethnobiology

Module 3 – Post #3 Ethnobiology

On my search to discover more about ethnobiology, I decided to start with Wikipedia. Here is the Wikipedia site on ethnobiology.

To highlight a bit, we have Ethnobiology is the scientific study of the way plants and animals are treated or used by different human cultures. It studies the dynamic relationships between peoples, biota, and environments, from the distant past to the immediate present.”


Traditional ecological knowledge: In order to live effectively in a given place, a people needs to understand the particulars of their environment, and many traditional societies have complex and subtle understandings of the places in which they live. Ethnobiologists seek to share in these understandings, subject to ethical concerns regarding intellectual property and cultural appropriation.”

Currently, there is more interest in ethonobiology. It “is a rapidly growing field of research, gaining professional, student, and public interest .. internationally.” Wikipedia just scrapes the surface for a description here so I will need to research more on ethnobiology.