Tag Archives: stephen harper

Harper’s Apology – Weblog 3 – 3

Harper’s Apology


This site, from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, contains a transcript of the apology Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave for residential schools on June 11, 2008.

The apology was issued, on behalf of the Government of Canada, to all people impacted by residential schools, particular those whose had survived the horrific treatment at the aforementioned schools.  The apology admits over 150,000 children were separated from their families during this tumultuous time.  He states the schools were started, partly, to meet the educational needs of Aboriginal children in the 1800s.  The need to assimilate children was based on the belief Aboriginal culture was inferior to European culture.  132 schools were funded nationwide with every province containing them, with the exception of Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.  The government recognizes these schools were a tragedy and should have never occurred.

The government also recognizes the fallout to residential schools and the impact it has had on people and communities.  Although, Harper states, some enjoyed their time at school, these positives are overshadowed by the tragic stories of survivors.  He also recognized the absence of an apology has slowed down the healing process.  The onus should fall on the government and country for not issuing an apology earlier and they must shoulder the burden.  He apologizes to all survivors and families impacted by residential schools.  He also recognized the steps that need to be taken moving forward, including the formation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

This apology will be used in my project because it is the first time the government truly recognized what an atrocity occurred on Canadian soil.  It also began the formation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which will a small focus of the project.  I also remember watching the apology on television and wondering the sincerity of it.  Given what occurred, I can’t help but wonder if healing will ever happen.