First Nations Films..

This is an awesome website to see what First Nations films/documentaries are out there! they have an extensive on line category. I am amazed at how many great works are out there!

September 17, 2010   No Comments

Qw’oqw’elith’a Coqualeetza Cultural Education Centre

This is good example of how a community can bring about positive change for the community.  Coqualeetza was the residential school out in Chilliwack which both my grandparents attended. Over the years it has gone from Residential school, to TB hospital and now turned into our cultural center. This is also a good example how a community is using technology and culture together in a respectful way.

September 17, 2010   No Comments

Slahal Coast Salish bone game!

This is one of the links from SD 48. It uses technology to share and teach students about the game Slahal. This is a traditional game played by Coast Salish people. This is a link that I often share with my students who are interested in the Slahal game. This is a good exampe of how something cultural can be preserved, shared, and taught through technology.

September 17, 2010   No Comments

Our shared learnings…

This is a website that School district 48 and Squamish Nation have created. It is an awesome website demonstrating how First Nations and Non First Nations can work together! Has some really good resources, information sharing about cultural. Effectively uses technology to share information with students and community!

September 17, 2010   No Comments

Coast Salish Peoples website

This is a good example of communities working together for a cause. This are Coast Salish people from Canada and the United States. As stated on their website

“The Coast Salish peoples sacred inherent right is to restore, preserve, and protect our shared environmentand natural resources in our ancestorial homelands — the Salish Sea.”

They have some good resources in written form, photos and videos posted. They are using technology to share information, record pictures of events and use videos

September 17, 2010   No Comments