Raven Stole the Sun Organic Search
I am quite interested in search engines and search results and as such wanted to pump in a couple of terms related to our readings to see what came up. The first one was Raven Stole the Sun. The return I got was this most excellent site for the Red Sky dance company http://www.redskyperformance.com/. Really interested to find this inside a dance site http://www.redskyperformance.com/treeline . i feared i might get a weight loss or insurance site with such a search, but it is good to see that these terms are attributed to a site like Red Sky as they can have a really powerful influence. Also interesting to note that just behind Red Sky in the organic search results for “Raven Stole the Sun’ is a 2010 Olympic Winter Games realted site……(que Darth Vader’s “Imperial March”)
September 18, 2010 No Comments