Posts from — September 2010


The CASTS (Canadian Aboriginals in Science and Technology Society) website is updated sporadically at best, but features some information on their annual conference. What I thought was interesting about the conference information is the discussion about how technology impacts indigenous cultures, how it can be utilized in a positive manner, and how it can have negative impacts. The discussion is clearly an open one, even among the people it affects. I thought that this website would be valuable to share that this society and conference opportunity exists for any of us who may be interested in further study in this field.

September 21, 2010   No Comments

Ryb/Mod 1 weblog

This website can be found as a link on the Adult Education Research Conference 

(  ) under conference proceedings.  The link pages list and contain all the papers submitted during the Annual Conference, held each year in a major Canadian or US university.  UBC hosted the 2000 conference.  By clicking the detail button beside any of the submissions, all papers submitted that year are listed by title, in list form.  All postings are saved in pdf form making them easy to read and print friendly.

The list of submissions each year is both substantial and diverse.  Not every paper relates to the main topics in EDET 521.  Many, like “The Role of Language in the Preservation of a Culture “
Posted on Friday, January 01, 1999 by Dorothy M. Still Smoking which talks about work done preserving the language of the Blackfoot People in Montana certainly parallel the topics we are currently studying.

This is a very interesting website hosted by the Manataka American Indian Council.  The site is full of links to everything from the “Story of Manataka” to the monthly “Smoke Signal News”.  The Powwow Events Calendar lists 353 powwows for 2009, conveniently listed by State. 

This website embodies everything that is bad about the role that technology plays in portraying negative stereotypes in Native People.  Although there are links to “Native Stories and Traditions”, clearly the underlying theme of the website is a form of mass marketing, using “Manataka Sacred Seal” as a medium to sell T-Shirts, and yes we accept Papal, just hit the Add to Cart link.  If you need counseling, a free service for members and guests,  Annette Broken Owl Greene can be reached by email.

The website has the footprint of the technologically dependant dominant culture and does much to promote common stereotypes of Native people in North America.  And they are looking for a new webmaster.

This Canadian Government Website is a true Aboriginal portal.  The Teacher Resources under Education Topics is filled with countless educational links.     is a video clip about how aboriginal youth are using modern technology and hip-hop in a traditional storytelling medium. 

Ukaliq, the Artic Hare link contains Inuit stories, told for generations following their oral tradition, likely written down for the first time.  Scientific studies stand beside tradition art and uses while a game and activity section is full of numerous activities and videos for a very detailed study of the Arctic Hare.  The website uses new internet technologies to show how the 3-D bone structure of the Hare is transformed into traditional soapstone and walrus tusk carvings.  The entire site, and especially the specific links are a great example of modern technology capturing and preserving traditional aboriginal culture, traditions, art and history

 This website seems to encompass many of the major topics we have read and learned about in Module 1 of ECET 521, especially during week 2.  There is a listing of best Native Films ( by or about Indigenous people )  Many of the films are “Hollywood” big budget films, produced, directed and acted by Indigenous people.   The Blog section is extremely interesting were viewers have added to the list of films, and commented about the numerous appropriations depicted.  The blogs are really a must read.  Written by indigenous and non-indigenous people, they highlight how technology can unite a community of like-minded, like thinking people.  Blog writers engage is a unique form of sharing, about topics that have local relevance, at least to them. 

The website also contains substantial “national film board” style of documentaries about Indigenous people, how they have been exploited, and how technology has been double-edged, a helping tool in some ways and a culturally destructive tool in another. I leave you with a link to a full-length film about the standoff near Oka Quebec.  This site is sure to add much content to your digital video library.   

Three separate websites with a common theme.  They offer a simple but pointed discourse regarding Native Americans in movies.  There is common belief that for many the view or knowledge they have about Native Americans is what they have seen in the movies.  To change these distorted representations is both costly and difficult.  People do not want to see aboriginal people as they are today, minus the headdress and the war-paint. With today’s enormous production and marketing costs, truform aboriginal movies, even with aboriginal directors and actors, are very risky business.  But that is not to say developments have not or are not progressing.  Robert Redford has been a leader in his Sundance Studios, and native director Chris Eyre has made huge inroads in contemporary portrails of aboriginal people in his movies.  The development of online streaming is starting to have huge impact on aboriginal film.  Production costs can be affordable, and the target audience, be it mainstream North America or a specific indigenous people in Southern New Mexico are becoming increasingly easier to access.

September 19, 2010   2 Comments

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association

The Central Austrailain Aboriginal Media Association is one of the largest production film and television production companies in Australia, promoting aboriginal themes and awareness through “indigenous eyes”.

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA)

The site has a number of important links that showcase the use of technology within aboriginal organizations. There is some interesting content and subject matter that can be explored at length.

September 19, 2010   No Comments


My office building is located right beside the Aboriginal People Television Network downtown Winnipeg,  which I pass by everyday. It was established in 1999 to “share their [aboriginal] stories with the rest of the world on a national television network dedicated to Aboriginal programming” (APTN). It allows aboriginal people to have a voice by being able to submit proposals and ideas to the station. It is mostly consist of Canadian content, which has features of local and national news and investigative stories directed at Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal audiences. A huge proponent of the stoires come from aboriginal people from across Canada and the world. It allows aboriginal young people to hear the stories that are relevant to them and their culture, and share them with the rest of the nation.>APTN</

September 19, 2010   No Comments

MB Government Website

I started my interroagation of global and local networks at the Manitoba Government Education website: It is a component of the Education and Literacy Department.

This site looks at the Manitoba strategies and frameworks for aboriginal education and language preservation.

It has a number of important links, including Kindergarten to Grade 12 Aboriginal Languages and Cultures: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes.

In this document, one of the elders states: ““Language is power to understand culture.”  I never quite thought of language that way – as a gateway to culture – but it really is the fundamental cornerstone in understanding any culture. Therefore, preserving language of indigenous people becomes the cornor stone of understanding culture.

The site has a number of informational links including:

Bridging Two Worlds: Aboriginal Education and Employment Action Plan 2008-2011 – Education Action Plan

Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives into Curricula – for curriculum developers

Manitoba Kindergarten to Grade 4 Aboriginal Languages and Cultures: Bibliography of Recommended Picture Books/Novels with Suggested Uses: A Reference for Selecting Learning Resources ( 194 KB)

The Way We Speak: An Annotated Bibliography of Aboriginal Language Resources in Manitoba ( 218 KB) – an extensive bilbliography of available resources

Aboriginal Language Instruction in Manitoba – May 2001 ( 64 KB) – a study looking at the availability of aboriginal languages in the Manitoba school systems.

September 19, 2010   No Comments

Alberta’s Information Connection

The University of Alberta has put together the “First Nations Information Connection” .  You will be able to find articles, journals, books, and other publications through this site.  Most of the resources are freely accessible and easy to find.

September 19, 2010   No Comments


Myth Perceptions is a site that I came across that might help people understand First Nations culture better.  Many people (not necessarily those taking this course) but cultural misconceptions and stereotypes exist (regardless of the culture).  This site provides information to demystify those ideas.  It also presents issues that First Nations people face.

September 19, 2010   No Comments

Tradition and Literature

I came across the “Using First Nations Traditional Literature in the Classroom” site.   It is created by the Saskatoon Public Schools Online Resources Centre.  It provides educational resources to teachers.  There are outlined activities for oral tradition, examining folklore, and story-telling.  These are all important aspects to First Nations culture.  This site helps to keep those alive for students and teaches them about those traditions.  This can be useful to help educators incorporate tradition and culture into the classroom.

September 19, 2010   No Comments

Raven Stole the Sun Organic Search

I am quite interested in search engines and search results and as such wanted to pump in a couple of terms related to our readings to see what came up. The first one was Raven Stole the Sun. The return I got was this most excellent site for the Red Sky dance company Really interested to find this inside a dance site . i feared i might get a weight loss or insurance site with such a search, but it is good to see that these terms are attributed to a site like Red Sky as they can have a really powerful influence.  Also interesting to note that just behind Red Sky in the organic search results for “Raven Stole the Sun’ is a 2010 Olympic Winter Games realted site……(que Darth Vader’s “Imperial March”)

September 18, 2010   No Comments

First Nations Films..

This is an awesome website to see what First Nations films/documentaries are out there! they have an extensive on line category. I am amazed at how many great works are out there!

September 17, 2010   No Comments