Union of BC Indian Chiefs
The Union of BC Indian Chiefs website is full of interesting information and further resources. Formed with the goals of being stronger when working together, being the voice of their peoples, and of sharing information, the organizations website seems to indicate they have been successful. I would recommend checking this site out as it focuses entirely on issues facing aboriginal communities in British Columbia, which makes the information both timely and relevant.
I was particularly impressed with the Resources and Resource Centre links on the page. The Resource Centre (http://www.ubcic.bc.ca/department/library.htm) allows users to access a library catalogue and digital collections. The Resources section (http://www.ubcic.bc.ca/Resources/) provides links to organizational reports and publications, as well as historical timelines and conference information. The site also includes a Policy and Legislation section (http://www.ubcic.bc.ca/issues/) which focuses on current issues facing aboriginal communities in BC.
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