Harnessing technology to Serve Adult Literacy

 Wow, I really liked discovering this page. It was chalked full of links to ideas, lesson plans, and tutorials all aimed at adult learning centers. The site even has links to software aimed at adult education settings and further links to reviews on the software. This site would be helpful to me personally at the job level but not really at the research level for theories etc.


November 18, 2010   No Comments

Indigenous Language Research, Development & Preservation

SIL International


Indigenous people living in remote regions in countries in the South focus on linguistic barriers to education; often the majority of people can not read or write in any language. In my research, I found the ngo SIL International frequently mentioned as assisting in indigenous communities with non-formal education programs in the mother tongue and with the production of educational materials.

The SIL website says its role in language development is “one of partnership with the local community, providing knowledge about language and culture to help communities make decisions and plan how they want their language developed.”

SIL has a long history of language research and development and preservation. Its website is interesting to explore.

For example, SIL’s publication index for Canada led me to SIL linguist Bill Jancewicz’ article Applied Computer Technology in Cree and Naskapi Language Programs in Language Learning & Technology, Vol. 6, (2), May 2002, pp. 83-91 available at http://llt.msu.edu/vol6num2/jancewicz/default.html

This article gives insight into the challenges and successes in the work of integrating computers into indigenous language development programs.

November 18, 2010   No Comments

Aboriginal Digital Opportunities

Greenall & Lizides (2001) Aboriginal Digital Opportunities: Addressing Aboriginal Learning Needs through the Use of Learning Technologies. The Conference Board of Canada.

This report broadened my perspective and knowledge about the use of computer technology in Aboriginal communities across Canada. It outlines benefits and challenges, and tries to provide Aboriginal perspectives on increasing digital opportunities. The document is based on a research study involving 10 communities selected to “represent a cross-section of Aboriginal communities ranging from urban to rural and from north to south.” Detailed description of each case study is provided in Appendix 1.


November 18, 2010   No Comments

Culture-Based Education

My research has led me to two Indigenous curricula, examples of  “culture-based education”: Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit in the NWT.

A brief description of both with links to each curriculum can be found at http://www.newteachersnwt.ca/culture_based_education2.html#sec1

Also, beginning this website is this Checklist for Teachers in Cross-Cultural Schools:

Yes Some No
1. Does the culture of my classroom reflect the language and culture of the community?
2. Do instructional materials:

  • Portray Aboriginal people as diverse peoples with a rich heritage?
  • Portray Aboriginal people in an authentic way?
  • Recognize and value contributions of Aboriginal peoples to present Canadian society?
  • Present positive images of Aboriginal people in contemporary settings?
  • Receive evaluation for stereotyping, bias, racism and other inaccuracies?
3. Do I use a variety of teaching methods to accommodate the diverse learning styles of my students?
4. Do I encourage students to take pride in their culture?
5. In my classroom, do I observe community celebrations and important cultural events?
6. Do I use community resources (people, materials) when appropriate and possible?
7. Are my evaluation tools sensitive to cultural bias?
8. Do I take time to learn more about community culture?
9. Do the parents of my students feel welcome in my classroom?
10. Do I contact my students’ parents with positive messages about their children?
11. Am I aware of the way culture affects styles of communication and ways of interacting with others?

Adapted from an Assessment Checklist in the Indian and Metis Staff Development Program, p.243. Saskatchewan Education, 1995.

November 18, 2010   No Comments

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
The IWGIA was formed in the 1960s to address the issue of human rights of Indigenous peoples. There are a lot of resources and publications regarding topics like climate change, self-determination, racism, sustainable development, political participation, international and national policies and international and national policies.

It’s interesting that the organization, which is based in Europe and funded in part by the European Union, has country profiles for nations in Africa, Asia, the Arctic, and Latin America, but not for North America, Australia, or New Zealand. Perhaps this is due to the lack of support these countries have given to United Nations Indigenous efforts. Even so the resources and links are quite well developed.

November 18, 2010   No Comments