Nintendo DSi for language learning

One of the topics that I am curious about is whether technology can help save many Indigenous languages that are being lost. This company has developed language tools to do just that.  Grandmother and grandson worked together to build the Cherokee language module.  I would be interested to see how effective this tool is in teaching language and what people think of it (elders, youth, educators, etc.).  It looks like this product is purchased in bundles and includes Nintendo DSi cartridges, the software and training.   The product seems very pricey but I really have little to compare it to.

November 8, 2010   2 Comments

Canadian Roots/Shielded Minds

I found this link to be an interesting project by non-Indigenous youth to build relationships with Indigenous peoples.   These youth are fed up with the stereotypes and the lack of effort by the government to build the bridges between the cultures, so they have taken matters into their own hands.  They set out on a road trip to learn, understand, share and build relationships, and they created a documentary about the trip.  The trailer describes their purpose but I don’t see any screening information on the full documentary.    It appears that the road trip was very successful, so they have started a program to continue these trips.  The trailer offers hope that students will not accept the status quo and have decided to start effecting change themselves.

November 8, 2010   No Comments

National Aboriginal Day: Our Voice, Our Culture, Our Community, Aboriginal Youth Video Project

Twelve young people from Richmond, BC were taught how to create a video story.  They created  this video of their experiences as young Aboriginal people living in Richmond.  They were encouraged to include footage and reflections on National Aboriginal Day in Richmond, as well as reflect on their history and current issues.   The theme follows the two videos we viewed in module 3.

November 8, 2010   No Comments