Now that they are firmly established in the consumer sector, electronic books are beginning to demonstrate capabilities that challenge the very definition of reading. Audiovisual, interactive, and social elements enhance the informational content of books and magazines. Social tools extend the reader’s experience into the larger world, connecting readers with one another and enabling deeper, collaborative explorations of the text. The content of electronic books and the social activities they enable, rather than the device used to access them, are the keys to their popularity; nearly everyone carries some device that can function as an electronic reader, and more people are engaging with electronic books than ever before.
Source: 2011 Horizon Report
Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
ashleyross 1:44 pm on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
For students who have difficulty reading, whether they are dyslexic, have a learning disability or have sight problems, e-books are extremely beneficial. When opened in an e-reader, or in reading software such as Kurzweil (www.kurzweiledu.com) or Word Q (www.goqsoftware.com) the e-book can be manipulated so that the font is larger or smaller, or that the background can be lighter or darker.
David William Price 7:48 am on September 8, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I prefer e-books. I have saved so much time and money and backache being nearly totally digital. I sued to have a fine library but I packed up all my books and donated them to charity. I try to avoid paper and books at all costs. In my latest class here our textbook was available as a Kindle edition for $9.00!
Deb Giesbrecht 6:57 pm on September 8, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I have just discovered the wonder of e-books. I love the recipe books that automatically link you to youtube so you can watch the product being made. I also discovered children e-books – where the book will not only read to you, but you can make the three little pigs dance, touch an item on the page and have the the book say the word out loud and spell it, etc. Quite amazing technology in assisting children to read in a fun and interactive environment.
murray12 7:30 am on September 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Image the cost of sending a boat load of books to teachers in the 3rd world, then consider the cost of sending a boat load of books contained within a couple light weight eReaders to the 3rd world.
Jay 8:19 am on September 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
While I still prefer a good old fashioned hard-cover, the interactive component of e-books engages children and can focus on many areas of learning at once (reading and spelling as suggested by Deb above). They also make the material more accessible to readers who may have trouble seeing smaller print. My concern with technology is that cost is often a barrier and likely one of the reasons I still prefer a good old second hand book.
kstooshnov 1:37 pm on September 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I can’t really argue with the money- and space-saving aspects of ebooks, but there is something retrograde with the design of ebooks, with the flipping of pages and bookmark features. The electronic devices can do so much more than print books can, it is a wonder why designers have to linger on these print conventions when they could develop something more useful. It would be like viewing the movie Avatar through a Fisher Price View-Master instead of reinventing the literary medium.
Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 10:03 pm on September 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
am very happy we have e-books since they are free and far more cheaper that hard copies. These also in some cases have features that makes learning more interesting and engaging. For example, they accommodate many learning needs and styles of learners since many have features to read, making them more interactive.
hall 8:47 pm on September 12, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I have used free ebooks in my physics and mathematics which I would very useful in providing suitable information to my students. I enjoy using ebook because there is software that can allow one to set quizzes directly the books. Ebooks are teacher and student friendly. They minimise the burden of carrying of heavy books around in class and easy access to information.
Everton Walker 7:52 pm on September 13, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Easily one of the most significant things to hit the book industry. Now one can walk around with entire libraries without feeling the weight. With ebooks, the possibilities are endless and students are privy with choices on the go. This is a real revolution in the education sector.