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1.6 – Instructors


David Vogt is a scientist, innovator and innovation leader.

David began his career as a professional astronomer and observatory director, then science museum director, dotcom CEO, media lab research leader, and university-based innovation champion.  He currently focuses his energy on a portfolio of innovation projects and start-up ventures.

Dr. Vogt is Director of Digital Learning Projects for the UBC Faculty of Education and Director of Innovation Strategy for the UBC MAGIC Lab.  He has maintained a career-long interest in harnessing the learning potentials within emerging technologies.  His unusual trajectory as an academic, innovator and businessman provides a unique perspective on the future of learning.

Dr. Vogt has an Hons. B.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy, a B.A. in English Literature and an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Information Science.  Dr. Vogt was born in England, raised in Ontario (Canada) and lives in Vancouver.


David Porter is the Executive Director of BCcampus. BCcampus is a collaborative online learning initiative that was established to assist public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia to meet their students’ online learning needs. David and the BCcampus team are building an Expedia-like web interface to the educational opportunities offered by British Columbia’s (Canada) post-secondary institutions.

During his career, David has spent time in both public and private sector organizations in the education and training fields. He has also been a project manager for industry-based projects in Canada and the US, as well as a project leader and consultant for international projects in Mexico, the Caribbean, and India.

In the non-work-related environment, David finds the time to volunteer each summer with the US Forest Service, surveying archaeological sites in the mountains of the eastern Sierras of California and Nevada and in the Great Basin high deserts of Northern California, Nevada, and Oregon.

David blogs at conviviality.ca.

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