East Coast e-Hello!

Howdy, e-folks.

My name’s Steve – one or two of you may have seen me in another course before (this is my sixth one) – and I live on Prince Edward Island. Some of my main interests are music, playing trivia weekly, les Canadiens, photography, nature, & technology (have been blogging for six years… just for fun, mostly). I live with my fab wife (also a teacher), a lethargic cat, and, my most recent and greatest interest, our new baby boy.

I obtained my BEd ten years ago, and since then, I have been the Littlest Hobo of my school district, having worked at the Dept. of Ed. as well as five different schools (at every level, and in every subject area). I am in year five at my current school, teaching mainly 7’s and 8’s L. Arts, S. Studies, and technology. I am also my school’s tech contact and I serve on a PD committee that directs the PD for these contacts. In general, I am pro-tech, but I think it is at its best when it does something better than using alternative methods. Technology should simplify and/or enhance, not complicate.

I don’t have much entrepreneurial experience, but I am interested in what new ideas (or future doors) this course could open up for me. I think my main goal in taking this MET program in general is either to solidify the go-to “tech guy” status in my current type of role, or to open up something somewhere else… I think I would welcome a change or a diversion, at least for a little while. If it’s doing something like working at the Dept. of Ed. – great. If it’s becoming an education-focused e-maven, then that’s fine, too!

I look forward to learning & growing with the rest of you during this course.


Posted in: Week 01: Introductions