Reverberations in the Blogosphere
With poetic timing, I was reminded today of one of the reasons we are learning in a blog.
One of our great support staff noticed on Google analytics that ZDNet has become a top referring site to our ETEC 522 blog. The reason is that Allie’s analysis of ZDNet’s predictions caught the original author’s attention – they responded kindly and now other people are coming to have a look at us.
I trust everyone is comfortable that such resonances have a solid value for learning, but there are also risks. Do enough educators know how to manage the potentials and pitfalls of blogging?
Thoughts appreciated.
And bravo Allie…!
Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
bcourey 6:02 pm on October 19, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hooray Allie!! This is exciting to have our discussions bounced across the cyberworld! As for the risks – I believe that this is part of the hesitation that many educators and school systems have when it comes to opening up blogs to the wider audience. In our board, we have a closed system for blogging to prevent access from outside and in some ways I think that really restricts the benefits of true blogging. Our job is to teach students how to post and respond appropriately and safely.
Deb Giesbrecht 6:18 pm on October 19, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Way to go Allie!
That really is an acknowledgment and kudos; it really was a well written piece on both their parts. It appears that this site is educating more than just the students at UBC. I applaud anything that makes us stand up and take a second look….however, it is also a reminder that professionalism and decorum are necessary here.
ifeoma 7:51 pm on October 19, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Good timing David,
Allie really did a good piece there and of course the fall outs of public blogging, in this instance, to me it will mean an immersion in real life understanding of the pros and cons of topic at hand. It should all make for good learning.
verenanz 9:40 pm on October 19, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Good work Allie! It is a great post. It is great to know that blogging can be such a great advertising feature- when done well.
It also a great reminder that this blog is a very public forum…:)
Juliana 9:01 pm on October 20, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Excellent work Allie! It looks like you have a good discussion going on your post!
I think this can be some of the benefits of blogging. You can draw other people into the conversation. Of course when you are dealing with students, this can also raise some security issues. This issue has already been touched on by many people in this week’s discussion and may need to be a consideration with blogging platforms of the future.
Allie 9:02 pm on October 23, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks all, and sorry for my really belated response – I had a really hectic week! It was really exciting to find that my post piqued the interest of the ZDnet blogger I had critiqued, and I was really grateful for his response and subsequent post. The experience certainly gave me confidence that even though I am very new to this field (this is my 2nd MET course), I nevertheless have genuinely good contributions to make. It has also led me to reconsider whether I should be more forthcoming with my online identity.