D#2: Ipad in the workplace

While I have not used the Ipad personally for any lengthy period of time, out of curiousity, I have been to the Apple store just to explore it. The much that I know of the Ipad, it has a lot of tools and apps that would enhance and extend the way we work.

In our organisation, the senior management are always on the go providing legal and professional support to our clients; this usually involves a lot of travel, emailing and phone time and increasingly these days, web conferencing.

An Ipad would be a great value added tool to how they work regardless of their location or time of day, as long as they have internet access. Working with the Ipad, would result in a culmination of all the necessary tools required to do their jobs- installation of voip phone, web conferencing software, webmail and GPS capability means they have all the tools they need and it weighs very little! That`s a value add.

However, the disadvantage would be that since every other device in the organisation is Windows based, the Ipad users may have a bit of an issue ‘shifting gears’ from Mac to Windows platform, creating frustration in the initial stage.



Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 09: iPad Apps