3.1 – Emerging Market Teams
During Stage 3 of ETEC522 each of our Emerging Markets Teams (EMTs) will take the stage for a week. The EMTs will design and deliver an engaging market-specific experience for the whole class. The starting and concluding point for that experience will be an Open Educational Resource (OER) published by the EMT. You will be informed of about which EMT you’re on by the end of the first week of the course. Please contact your instructors if you have any questions.
Each EMT is encouraged to define and describe their emerging market in their own terms, finding a focus, large or small, that enables them to best express the energy of that marketplace for themselves, their fellow students and their instructors. The EMTs should seek out and synthesize the resources that enable them to provide a current, authoritative and engaging exploration of their market. For example, if an EMT is looking at global mobile learning, the latest GMSA mLearning Report would be a great start.
Stage 3 of ETEC522 is coupled with Assignment #2 – please review the details of this assignment in the Course Requirements (section 1.5).