Welcome ETEC 522 students. We’re looking forward to working with you all over the next 13 weeks.
A good part of the curriculum and content for ETEC 522 is generated through collaborative engagement during this course. We welcome your ideas and are eager to see how the class will steer the direction of the 2013 version.
One of my first recommendations would be for you to consider an offline RSS reader, a web browser RSS plugin, or an app for iPad or Android to help you manage your reading of both course content and colleague interactions.
A few are listed below. I use a Mac, iPad and Android tablet so, I’ve equipped all my gear for the task.
- Mac – Vienna open source RSS reader or Feedly Chrome plugin
- PC – Bamboo Feed Reader for Firefox
- iPad – Feedly app
- Android – gReader or Feedly
Please choose your own RSS reader and configure it right away with the course URL: https://blogs.ubc.ca/etec522sept13
We look forwarding to interacting with you all.
Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll get gReader all set up pronto!
Hi Daivd,
Thanks as well for the recommendations. Can’t live without using Firefox, Xmarks, and LastPass therefore is it ok to use Feedly Firefox plugin? (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/feedly/)
Hi Kevin. No problem. Whatever RSS reader or plugin works for you and your own personal workflow is fine.
sounds good….thanks…
Hi David. Thanks for the tip. Dale