
Hello from Alberta

My name is Marie-Astrid (M-A for short) Detharet. This is my 5th MET class and I am very excited to be joining you all. I teach at École Fox Run School in Sylan Lake, my school is a middle school made up of 503 students in three grades, we are quickly running out of space for all our students. This year I teach a split 7/8 French Immersion class with 39 very tall students, I think the majority are taller than me and I’m 5’6! When not working at school or on MET, I enjoy spending time with my 4 year old boy and 1 year old daughter. Looking forward to this class and learning all about Learning Technologies.


9 thoughts on “Hello from Alberta

  1. mdetharet says:

    Hi Brendan, long time no “see”. My summer was… good…. kids were sick the entire time, so not much fun, needless to say I was really happy to get back to work. How was yours?

  2. dmp6 says:

    Hi Marie-Astid. Back to back courses. Will we didn’t get much of a break considering we finished ETEC 520 three weeks ago. Looking forward to learning with you.


  3. jetz66 says:

    Un autre enseignant de Francais! Ca me fait plaisir! Best of luck this year! (p.s. with 39, you must be a master teacher!) I look forward to working with you this term and best of luck!

  4. Kevin Andrews says:

    Nice to meet you Marie-Astrid. Looks like you have your hands full in the class and outside. My class numbers are in the low 30’s as well and I find it can get tricky keeping the peace everyday.


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