
Greetings from Edmonton

Hello everyone! My name is Ryan and I am currently enrolled in 522 and 565m, both with David! These are courses 7 and 8 for me in my MET journey. I  have greatly enjoyed my experiences thus far in all the courses that I have completed and I have been looking forward to this course since my enrollment (more on that in a second!)

I currently live in Edmonton with my wonderful wife and 2 daughters (who just finished their second day of grades 3 and 1). Although I live in Edmonton, I am commuting to Fort Saskatchewan (NE of Edmonton) where I am fulfilling a new role as “Directeur adjoint” (assistant principal) in a newly formed French immersion school. Previous to this I have been working else where in the district as an educator.

I have been looking forward to this course as I have always felt that I have had a very entrepreneurial spirit, but have not known how to express it. My hope is that I will either have made or be on the cusp of making a true foray into a Kickstarter campain!!! (The thought gives me shivers!) Since its conception I have been drawn to see and support the creativity of those around the world, which has caused my wife to say (with much love) “No more Kickstarter!” (My bank account is not large enough for all the innovation I have seen!)

I am looking forward to learning lots this term and in getting to know all of you!

Bon courage!

One day…


10 thoughts on “Greetings from Edmonton

  1. sylvainm says:

    Hi Ryan, nice to have you as a classmate again.
    Felicitations pour ta promotion.
    Looking forward to share another productive learning venture with you.

  2. dmp6 says:

    Hi Ryan. Hope you had a good summer? Congrats on your promotion. Looking forward to working with you again. Dale

  3. rosejl says:

    Hi Ryan,
    I worked at the off-campus site in Fort Saskatchewan for one year. It is a nice size community, but I love the proximity of the fishing and boating in Cold Lake. Looking forward to working with you in both classes.

  4. Hi Ryan. Nice to meet you! I think crowd funding is a great tool for innovators and I know we’ll hear a lot about it this semester. It will be interesting to hear your incite as a person who has emptied his wallet out on a few kickstarter projects. Do you feel the money goes to good use?

  5. mdetharet says:

    Bonjour Ryan,

    Que vous êtes brave, deux cours en même temps plus un nouveau poste de directeur adjoint vous êtes fou!!!!! Best of luck with everything, I would not be able to juggle all of your workload and a family too, wow kudos!

  6. Kevin Andrews says:

    Hello Ryan,
    I can appreciate the time and money it sometimes takes to bring an idea to the market. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.


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