
Hello from Central Alberta

Hello all from Central Alberta. My name is Dale and this is my seventh course through the MET journey. I live in Vermilion with my wife and shitzu, MacKenzie. I am a retired submariner who served 21 years with the Canadian Military. I work at Lakeland College as the Accessibility Advisor and Assistive Technologist. I provide support to students with diverse needs (disabilities). I am looking forward to learning more about the venture factors involved in technology and working with such a diverse group.


7 thoughts on “Hello from Central Alberta

  1. jetz66 says:

    Dale! My old compadre! Glad to see you in this course and I look forward to working with you this term! Maybe we can squeeze in a Hangout for old times sake!

  2. rosejl says:

    Hi Dale,
    It’s nice to see you again, I didn’t get a chance to visit you at Lakeland last summer, my fireETC course was a heavy one! I am hoping to visit there again soon, maybe I will bump into you then.

  3. dianeunderhill says:

    Hi Dale: Good to see you around again. We were in 520 together last term. Looking forward to working with you, Diane

  4. mdetharet says:

    Hi Dale,

    Nice to see you again. I didn’t know you were an ex-submariner?! Wow you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to go into one of those things, yikes! Looking forward to working with you again.

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