My name is Shaimaa. This term I am taking my 5th & 6th MET courses (this course and 511 which is my last core course). I am an Egyptian living in Germany, Munich as my husband works here. We have two daughters who are 5 and 2.
My educational experience is quite diversified. Back in Egypt, my focus was on Adult Education especially in a non-formal setting. I used to design and facilitate training courses in various fields: Development, NGO work, and Business Consulting. Here in Munich, I am teaching Arabic for kids (5-10 years old). I am trying to keep my connection to Adult Education through focusing on related topics in MET courses and designing training courses for adults in Egypt for community development purposes.
I think this image is quite a good reflection of what I am trying to do
Looking forward to learning and interacting with all of you
Hi Shaimaa,
I am taking 511 as well. I like that picture, I don’t have any children but I feel like that is what I am trying to do now with work responsibilities and MET course responsibilities as well. That’s great that you are still able to develop training courses even though you aren’t there anymore. Developing training courses is something I would like to get into at some point in my career just waiting for the right opportunity
Anyways, I’m sure we will be chatting lots throughout this course and maybe even 511.
Hi Shaimaa,
I think we may have had a course together at one point. The names fade away so fast though haha. I’m much better at recognizing faces. As a person who lived in an Arabic speaking country, I am amazed you can juggle those two languages with such fluency, especially while living in Germany. They seem like the languages are almost diametrically opposed, haha.
Hi Shalmaa. It is nice to meet you. I spent 3 years in Germany in the Black Forest area. I loved it there and travelled extensively. Like they say all roads lead out go Germany. I look forward to learning with you this term.
Like others, I am excited to hear your point of view through the discussions we will have! As a teacher of languages myself, I look forward to building upon a common ground! Best of luck this term!
Hi Dave
Nice we are in both courses; we’ll be seeing each other a lot
Developing and implementing training courses is really fun and I think you would enjoy it a lot
Ya I was thinking the same, maybe 512 last September if I remember correctly
Faces yes yes I am planning uploading a photo since last term when Connect introduced the profiles and I promise I would do it as soon as a I find a minute where there is not another urgent thing bugging me 
I would definitely be looking forward to your contribution as well. I think teaching languages is unique that should have a field of its own and teaching language to a native is totally different from teaching it as a second-language. My situation is more complex as Arabic is supposedly the kids’ native language but actually German is and Arabic is something in between a native language and a second language. it’s very interesting and I am looking forward to your insights
Nice meeting you Dale as well
Hi Shaimaa,
Nice to meet you – I can appreciate your photo with the kids, pets, and a busy bubble of life items.