
Assembling Plug and Play Courses

Surely at the speed the internet is evolving Open Source traditional subject courses should be available for general access and integration within programs of study. Why re-invent the wheel? The availability of such plug and play content frees the teacher to focus on enrichment experiences, adaptations and modifications. A collected resource library should be ever expanding and as per YouTube will be bested by newer versions; in other words a market place for knowledge.


4 thoughts on “Assembling Plug and Play Courses

  1. I think plug and play is quite an interesting option. Not just for the classroom, but think about opportunities for workplace training. Imagine the possibilities for personalized corporations and training organizations had access to resources such as these available for clients. Client/employee has a problem, make the relevant resource/tool available to them. Then take it to the next step by adding context – aware tech and some mentoring. Now can anyone see where my venture plan might be heading? 🙂

  2. David Jackson says:

    The problem with venture is that they are often soon eclipsed because the model can be easily duplicated after the original concept gains currency. Plug and Play should be within the realm of a public service (Open Source) where improved versions by others are welcomed. A modular approach seems appropriate where modules are like Apps that can be integrated and mixed and matched to create a complete course with both modular and original content.

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