
Hello venturers!

My name is Kirsten and I’m from Spruce Grove, Alberta. I have been an academic librarian longer than I’ve been anything else. I am passionate about teaching and learning, research, and instructional technologies, and the MET program seems to be a natural fit with what I enjoy doing.

I made a transition to a public library recently. My new role as digital services librarian allows me to combine my ‘old school’ love for print books and interest in digital technologies. Professionally the growth has been exponential.


This is my 4th MET course and I hope to reach and get over the halfway mark soon! I see a few familiar names in this class, so I don’t feel like a stranger in a strange land. Venturing into this ventures class may throw me into disequilibrium (in Piagetian speak), but I look forward to challenging myself and working and learning with all of you.

Sometimes the best ideas come serendipitously, out of the blue …


2 thoughts on “Hello venturers!

  1. leahbio says:

    Hello Kirsten,
    Nice to meet you! Have you facilitated any blended learning activities with your students in the library?

  2. Kirsten says:

    Hi Leah,
    Yes, I have developed video tutorials using Camtasia and Moodle courses on information literacy and research skills for undergrads. These tutorials complemented the face-to-face library instruction pretty well. Do you have an interest in blended learning?

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