
Greetings from North Vancouver

Hello All,

My name is Chris Sandor and I am currently a secondary VP in the West Vancouver School district.  I also taught Secondary Social studies for eight years prior to becoming an administrator.  This is my 6th MET course and I am really excited about this one as the district I work in is very interested in pushing the limits of education with tech.  I also get to see many different new technologies and have been pitched more than a few times by different companies who are looking to get their particular programs in schools so I’m hoping I will get some insights into the business side of educational technology.

I like to ride bikes (both mountain and road) and am very involved with rugby at the school I work at but all of that plays second fiddle to my family which includes four children!

Looking forward to learning.



3 thoughts on “Greetings from North Vancouver

  1. jennypapadakis says:

    Nice to meet you Chris! It would be interesting to hear more about what your district is doing with tech! Looking forward to learning with you this semester! 🙂


  2. mehdia73 says:

    Hi Chris, Nice to meet you. I think it will be an interesting course for all of us and we will definitely get good information from you in regards to your board’s initiative towards technology. Looking forward to learning with you. Mehdia

  3. spepp053 says:

    Hi Chris,

    Nice to meet your digital self. I like the trail that West Vancouver has been making with embedding technology into curriculum design. Here is something that I think would work in your district specifically knowing that most students have access to some form of BYOD.

    I just recently discovered it and I am amazed! It is everything that I have wanted in a BYOD classroom. Let me know your thoughts.

    – Shaun

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