
W07: Code Education Recap & Tally

We just want to send a thank you out to everyone for the wonderful, lively, and insightful participation in our OER activities this week. We consider you, our peers, to be “real world protagonists” in this market, and are very happy that our efforts to involve you in the process of refining and expanding our OER were successful! Also thank you for providing excellent feedback and suggestions for improvement, we will be meeting to implement changes this week.

– Group 7, Angela, Nidal, Milorad, Yuki, Colleen & Bobbi

Here were the results from the Activity #1 Poll:


And here are the condensed results for the Activity #3 horizons review:

Looks like 2:new accreditation programs;  6:curriculum integration; and, 7: development of ‘smart code’ were the favorites although there were excellent reviews posted on some of the others. Interestingly, 5: segmentation and diversification was not well received, but is something that start-ups and corporate ventures are in some ways supporting with closed initiatives.


Thanks again everyone for participating. Just thought we’d include a list of the changes made to the site based on everyone’s feedback: The activity error found by Kendra has been fixed as well as the typo that Chris found. Kirsten’s suggestion of Mozilla Webmaker Suite, Kendra’s SkillCrush, Shaun’s StackSocial and Max’s Arduino suggestions were added (the last lead to a creation of a hybrid open/closed category). James’s concerns about traversing back and forth between the two blogs for activities has been remedied by integrating the discussion directly into the resource pages (which alined with our goal of starting the commenting fresh for submission to NMC). Monique made a helpful suggestion of just strictly making hyperlinks and addition information tool-tips red, so we also incorporated this. Ashley’s mention of “conversational fluency” lead to a new horizon addition (#8 Changing attitudes regarding code as a new and prevalent “language”). We also re-arranged the horizons in order of importance as identified by our peers. Most of this was done on a new ‘clone’ of our WordPress site at the following address:


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