An interesting business venture which I wanted to share with everyone. Co-Lab is a new business venture in the Philippines. As a new entrepreneur if you have a new big idea but need a collaborative business space to work in Co-Lab offers that capability. I think this is especially important and great for anyone starting a new business if they need the start-up or don’t have the investment pull yet to have all the needed supplies and office space. The space can be used either part-time or full-time.
This is their definition of Co-Lab on their website: “Co.lab offers a coworking space created to spark collaborative fusion among like-minded individuals. The word co.lab can be short for collaborate or co-laboratory, where ideas synergize and ideas are set on fire. Co.lab has no cubicles but instead a variety of different areas which offer coworkers the freedom to work from a desk or a sofa, a communal table, or a lounge chair—whatever is more conducive for their productivity. Coworkers can come in from 9AM-6PM, Monday-Friday with whatever materials they need to get their work done such as laptops, cameras, and pens. They must select the package of their choice and make their payment, then begin co-working.”
Thought I would share this venture with everyone. If your pitch comes to fruition, another similar company within your area could be created as a collaborative working space area.

Cooperative Learning venture space
Thanks for sharing. These types of spaces are popping up all over the world. I know there are TONS of workspaces in the Gastown area of Vancouver.
There is starting to be a focus on startups through accelerators which have coworking spaces. is one such example in Vancouver, which also offers mentors and special events for people who use the space. Or is another example that has a more formal program.
That is a very cool idea. Right away, I think of all of the opportunities for collaboration with people you might not otherwise get the opportunity to work with.
Hi Ashley and James,
Ashley, thanks for the links for Vancouver. Had no idea that collaborative spaces were already a big trend in British Columbia, fantastic!
James, yes I’d agree, lends to greater networking capabilities and the chance to collaborate with possible mentors who are more knowledgeable in the field as well.
Hi Leah,
Another site you might want to check out is this one: – a global network of coworking spaces and hubs with a focus on social entrepreneurship.
It’s a great way to know and to learn from each other. The best part which is evident from the picture is that, there are no barriers and boundaries. As you said this type of informal collaborative learning space can lay a strong foundation of friendships with people with common goals and interests that would likely not have been formed outside of this environment. Last but not least, I thought that it can also be a safe avenue for people with some kind of disability to get a maker space and start earning. Thanks for sharing this cool info.
Hi Ashley and Mehdia,
Ashley, thanks for the additional link. It’s amazing how so many of these new collaborative spaces are popping up! Great way to learn and network with one another.
Mehdia, thanks for your comment. I too think its a wonderful way to network in an open space but also create friendships with others in learning ventures or new business oriented ventures.