Introduction – DeeDee Perrott
Hi everyone! My name is DeeDee Perrott and I am currently working on my fifth and sixth courses in the MET program. I teach secondary science at a online/outreach school in Sherwood Park, Alberta. I was lucky to start teaching there 3 years ago when the school was first opened and it has been exciting […]
Hello everyone! My name is Jen and I am currently a substitute teacher in Calgary, Alberta. I am enrolled in my 8th and 9th class of the MET program. I am taking this class alongside of ETEC 540. Lately, I have exploring different elements of instructional design for job training. I am at the beginning […]
Introduction. – Mike Orlandi
Hello everyone. My name is Mike Orlandi and I teach Tech. Ed. (shop class) at a public high school on south Vancouver Island. This year I’m teaching woodworking, metalworking and a trade sampler (carpentry, electrical, plumbing, machining and welding). The trade sampler course works with the local post-secondary institution which makes it even more fun […]
Here I am!
Sorry to keep you all waiting! I’m Sean. Sean Gallagher, if we’re being formal, and I’m a post-secondary instructor and educator living in Toronto. My undergrad degree is in Photography — I’m sure I’ll explain at some point — but I also spent a dozen years assisting in various ways — actually, pretty much all […]
Hello and Happy New Year!
Also known as EvT, 5th MET course, science communications keener
Introduction – Janice Roper
Happy New Year classmates! My name is Janice Roper and this is my 10th and final MET course. I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey of MET and am also looking forward to having this summer off! I work in Admissions/Marketing and also coordinate elementary after-school activities at the American Embassy School in New Delhi, India. […]
Hi everyone!
Hi there! My name is Seo-Whi Kwon (pronounced saw wee) and I am a high school Science and Math teacher in Edmonton, Alberta. This is my first year in the MET program and ETEC 523 would be my second (or third) course-I am taking 510 this term as well. I was born in South Korea […]
Hello and welcome to my fellow colleagues. I hope everyone had a good and safe holiday. I am very honoured to a part of ETEC 523 course. I looking forward to learn from my colleagues and share any knowledge I may have with you. I entered the education field in 2004 as teacher but worked […]
Introductions: Neill McCallum
Hello Everyone! My name is Neill and am just starting up with the MET program! I work as a high school educator and teacher consultant (with a focus on sustainability) in Richmond, BC. When I am not teaching or enjoying family time with my wife and kids I like documenting nature (pictures/video), gardening and running […]
Introduction – Vera Xiong
Greetings everyone~ Hope you are all enjoying the fresh start of 2021. My name is Vera Xiong, I came to Canada in 2016 to further my study and completed my first Master’s degree in 2017. Later I started working at a Christian University in Vancouver BC. After working for a few years, I felt a […]