Landscape Ecology and GIS

For the first paper review assignment, I discussed the paper Using diffusion models to simulate the effects of land use on grizzly bear dispersal in the Rocky Mountains by Boone & Hunter, 1996.

Overall, Boone & Hunter created a simplified model to predict the impact of timber harvest on the dispersal of grizzlies in Montana. Their choice of a random-walk dispersal model produced results that were fairly easily interpreted, though there were significant limitations and room for error in the assumptions made. For more extensive and accurate modelling of the potential impacts of the timber harvest, Boone & Hunter’s paper may have benefitted from comparison of these results against the results of another type of model. In their presentation of their analysis as raster maps, it may have also been helpful to depict the types of land use with various colours rather than patterns, as well as include a basemap for spatial reference. Thus, Boone & Hunter produced intriguing results that would be useful in developing management schemes for the Trail Creek Watershed, though further study would be required to adequately assess the impact of the proposed harvest on grizzly bear dispersal. For these reasons, this paper will therefore be given a score of 8/10.