Multiple Choice-Style Questions
We will work together to recreate the question below:
Title: Photons Momentum T/F
Alternative Text: An illustration of a photon (1 wave length). The wave on the y-axis demonstrating the electric field. The wave on the x-axis demonstrating its magnetic field. Wavelength: lambda, Frequency c over lambda
Image Metadata:
Title: The Photon
Licence: CC BY-SA, 3.0
Authors Name: Illusterati
Question: True or false: Photons have momentum.
Feedback on correct answer: Correct. There is evidence that photons carry momentum. How do we know this?
Feedback on wrong answer: Incorrect. Read through the passage below to find out the correct answer.
Title: Photoelectric Effect Question
Question: Which effect suggests that photons have momentum?
Answer 1: photoelectric effect
Message displayed if answer is selected: Correct. When electromagnetic radiation (like light) hits a material, electrons are emitted.
Answer 2: photoelectronic effect
Tips: Pay attention to spelling.
Message displayed if answer is selected: Incorrect. Pay close attention to the spelling and try again.
Answer 3: photomagnetic effect
Answer 4: electromagnetic wave effect
Answer 5: photon-mass radiation effect
We will work together to recreate the question below:
Title: Classical physics approximation
Task description: Classical physics is a good approximation to modern physics under certain circumstances. What are they?
Help Text: Classical physics is a good approximation of modern physics when…
Introduction: The sample answer below is quoted directly from the OpenStax College Physics text. Your answer should be in your own words, but should include reference to the speed, size, and gravitational field necessary for a good approximation.
Sample solution text: Relevant passage quoted from OpenStax College Physics Text: “Classical physics is not an exact description of the universe, but it is an excellent approximation under the following conditions: Matter must be moving at speeds less than about 1% of the speed of light, the objects dealt with must be large enough to be seen with a microscope, and only weak gravitational fields, such as the field generated by the Earth, can be involved.”
Keyword 1: slow, 1%, less
Feedback if keyword included: Yes – matter must be moving at speeds less than 1% of the speed of light
Feedback if keyword is missing: Would classical physics be an equally good approximation of modern physics regardless of how fast matter was moving?
Keyword 2: large, big , microscope
Feedback if keyword included: Yes – only objects that are large enough to be seen under a microscope can be involved
Feedback if keyword is missing: Would classical physics be an equally good approximation of modern physics regardless of particle size?
Keyword 3: weak, gravit*
Feedback if keyword included: Yes – only weak gravitational fields, such as the field generated by the Earth, can be involved
Feedback if keyword is missing: Would classical physics be an equally good approximation of modern physics regardless of gravitational field?
We will work together to recreate the question below:
Task description: For each bullseye below, the centre represents the location of a restaurant. Each black dot represents an attempt of a GPS system to locate the restaurant. Which GPS system is more precise?
Hotspot Name: GPS Systems
Incorrect Feedback: Would you expect a more precise GPS system to have the location attempts (black dots) closer together or further apart?
Correct Feedback: Yes – System 2 is more precise than system 1 because the four attempts (black dots) system 2 made to identify the restaurant location are closer to each other.
Feedback if the user selects an empty spot: You didn’t locate any hotspots, try again!