About H5P
H5P is an open-source tool that allows you to create an interactive HTML5 content easily. H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package and there are 40 + different interactive content types available, including multiple choice questions, video with an interactive quizzes, memory games, image hotspots and others.
There are a few ways to use H5P. Users can either:
- reuse existing interactive elements,
- edit and reuse existing interactive elements; or
- create their own H5P interactive element.
This short video provides a highlevel overview of H5P:
Why use H5P?
Why include H5P interactive elements in your teaching and learning materials?
- Cognitive load theories support that using multimedia (multiple modes) aligns with the way that our brains function during the learning process
- ACTIVE learning: Learners doing things are engaged learners.
HP5 works for blended/online course content because
- It is well suited for independent asynchronous learning
- It capitalizes on curiosity and exploratory approach to learning
- It is useful to “chunk” information to help learners process and remember complex or difficult concepts better
- It improves engagement. Active learning and engage with problem solving or gamification
- Formative assessments with feedback can consolidate knowledge (ungraded only right now) Retrieval practice with formative (or low stakes) interactions over time is known to aid learning
- It helps with creating more engaging materials for self-directed and active learning
- It improves inclusivity in courses as most interactions allow students to control how fast they go through the interaction, unlike a live lecture or videos where control is limited.
- It can be used to encourage relational learning when combined with LMS tools or synchronous group learning activities
The following table gives you a sense of which H5P tools might best serve what purpose.
Tools for Formative Assessment | -Multiple Choice -True/False -Fill in the Blanks -Mark the Words -Drag and Drop |
Tools for Unit Review | -Course Presentation -Flashcards -Quiz -Summary |
Tools for Multimedia Integration | -Interactive Videos -Image Hotspots |
Tools for Student Reflections | -Questionnaire -Audio Recorder |
Page attributions: Text on this page was adapted from the H5P Overview Handout by Parm Gill, shared under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 License. The table of H5P tools was adapted from H5P workshop materials created by Brenna Clark Gray.