All posts by Isabeau Iqbal

ISWs Facilitated

This document lists the ISWs I have co-facilitated and events I have been involved in facilitating and/or coordinating as part of my involvement in the ISW network.

ISWs co-facilitated

The following is a list of Instructional Skills Workshop and Presentation Skills Workshops that I have facilitated. 

  • 2014 October 19, 25 and 26. Co-facilitated with Ozlem Deniz (Graduate Student ISW)
  • 2012 October 14 & 15. Co-facilitated the Presentation Skills Workshop with Jason McAllistair (Graduate Student PSW)
  • 2012 July 17, 18, 19. Co-facilitated with Ellen Rosenberg (Faculty ISW)
  • 2010 April 20, 22, 27 & 29. Co-facilitated with Tim Came (Graduate Student ISW).
  • 2009, September 6, 12, 13. Co-facilitated with Heidi Ravenel (Graduate Student ISW)
  • 2009, April 16-18. Co-facilitated with Jim Sibley, Jackie Stewart and Allen Stevens (Faculty ISW)
  • 2007, December 14-16. Janice Johnson invited me to co-facilitate an ISW for the Canadian Avalanche Association (Revelstoke, BC) 
  • 2007, November 16-18. Janice Johnson invited me to facilitate an ISW for the Canadian Avalanche Association (Vancouver, BC) 
  • 2006, August 28-30. Co-facilitated with Suzanna Huebsch and Jackie Stewart (who shadowed me as part of her training to become a Faculty ISW facilitator).
  • 2006, January. Co-facilitated with Ingrid Price. 
  • 2005, September. I shadowed an experienced trainer, Alice Cassidy, in order to complete my ISW-facilitator training; facilitators for this Faculty ISW were Michael Fedeles and Alice Cassidy.

ISW-connected events I have facilitated and/or helped to coordinate and organize

  • ISW Joint Professional Development Day (December 3, 2008) (Organizing team: Desi Mou, Jen Jasper, Joe, Judy Chan, Isabeau Iqbal) 
  • ISW Joint Professional Development Day (May 17, 2006) Jennifer Jasper and I co-organized this day…many wonderful people facilitated sessions. 
  • As part of my work at TAG, I co-coordinated (with Alice Cassidy) the Faculty ISWs. As part of that role, I coordinated the facilitator schedule and helped plan professional development activities for facilitators. I had this role for approximately 1 year, ending in the fall 2007 when I started my doctoral studies.

Dissertation research

Below is a short description of my dissertation research, which I began in September 2007 and completed in June 2012.

– Iqbal Dissertation Summary 2012 (PDF, 6 page coloured newsletter format)
– Abstract (350 words)
– Download dissertation at: UBC’s Online Repository (cIRcle)

Dissertation Title

Faculty Members’ Professional Growth in Teaching Through the Summative Peer Review of Teaching and Other Departmental Practices


My dissertation research was a qualitative study in which I investigated  faculty members’ understandings and experiences of the summative peer review of teaching and examined the relationship between summative peer review and professional growth in teaching. A second objective of this study was to explore departmental practices that support/hinder a culture that values teaching. To read an abstract of the dissertation, click here.


I was drawn to the summative peer review of teaching because little research has examined the relationship between summative review and professional growth in teaching. This study will help identify the ways in which elements of academic culture affect Canadian faculty members’ understandings and experiences of the summative peer review of teaching.


For this study, I conducted 30 semi-structured in person interviews with pre-tenured faculty members and tenured faculty members at a research-intensive Canadian university. Participants were recruited from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts; three departments in each faculty were represented in this study.

I used Atlas.ti to code and categorize the data and engaged in an ongoing process of analysis that began with the first interview and continued as I drafted and revised the dissertation.

Theoretical Framework

In this project, I employed and studied the concept of academic culture. I take culture to be a pattern of shared beliefs, values, and underlying assumptions that are displayed in attitudes, behavioural norms, rituals, and other symbolic activities (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2008; Bunch, 2007; Quinlan & Åkerlind, 2000; Trowler, 2008). I presume culture to be dynamic, diverse, and tied to broader societal, historical, and political contexts.

My work was informed by existing research on institutional, departmental and disciplinary cultures. I was also inspired by (and made extensive use of) O’Meara, Terosky and Neumann’s (2008)  framework for professional growth in faculty careers.

Executive summary (coming soon)

Supervisory Committee 

Dr. Thomas Sork, Senior Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, UBC (co-supervisor)

Dr. Gary Poole, School of Population and Public Health (co-supervisor)

Dr. Amy Metcalfe, Educational Studies (committee member)

Dissertation abstract

Faculty Members’ Professional Growth in Teaching Through the Summative Peer Review of Teaching and Other Departmental Practices

This study investigated the ways that summative peer review of teaching contributes to tenure-track faculty members’ professional growth in teaching. It also explored other practices that support or hinder a departmental culture that values teaching.

Using the lens of academic culture, I drew on literature about the peer review of teaching, department culture, and professional growth in academic careers to inform this research. Thirty tenure-track faculty members from six departments and two faculties participated in semi-structured qualitative interviews. Participants were asked about their experiences of summative peer review, how they understood the relationship between peer review and their growth as instructors, and departmental practices that contribute to a culture that values teaching.

Participants had varied and inconsistent experiences of summative peer review of teaching. They reported multiple purposes (evaluative, formative, supplement to the student evaluations of teaching) that frequently conflicted. With few known guidelines that direct peer reviews and insufficient clarity as to their purpose, faculty members conducted summative reviews based on a personal sense of “what was best.” Given the demanding nature of academic careers and an institutional reward system that favours research over teaching, peer reviews were primarily limited to classroom observations and engaged few faculty members in dialogue. Such summative peer reviews appeared to make minimal contribution to professional growth in teaching.

The study did find numerous other departmental practices conducive to a culture that values teaching, i.e., informal collegial conversations about teaching and team teaching. Faculty members who partook in these grew as instructors. Results demonstrated that academic values and norms (i.e., collegiality and autonomy), disciplinary traditions pertaining to collaboration, and institutional rewards influenced how faculty members pursued professional growth as teachers.

Workshops Facilitated


In my educational developer role at CTLT, I have had the pleasure to facilitate a number of workshops. These include:

  • Presentation Skills Workshop for Graduate Students: a 2-day workshop geared at enhancing presentation skills. Link to CTLT webpage.
    Co-facilitated with Jason McAllistair (October 14 & 15, 2012)
  • Developing Your Skills as Peer Reviewer: a four-hour experiential workshop to help individual gain skills and knowledge applicable in peer review of teaching situations.
    Co-facilitated with Janice Johnson. Workshop delivered multiple times in 2010-2012, including at UBC, University of Northern BC and Douglas College. (Also Co-facilitated with Gary Poole in August 2012)
  • Giving Effective Workshop to PharmD Preceptors: Workshop geared to help feedback communication between PharmD students and their preceptors.
    Co-facilitated with Gary Poole (Workshop offered twice per year since 2009)
  • TA Mentorship: a full day workshop for graduate students who are coordinating TA (teaching) mentorship programs in their departments and mentoring graduate students on teaching.
    Co-facilitated with Joseph Topornycky. (Workshop offered twice in August 2011 and again in September 2012).
  • Peer Coaching for Graduate Students: a half day workshop for graduate students interested in building their skills as peer coaches.
    Co-facilitated with Sarah Moore (Workshop offered in August, 2011).
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques: a 2-hour workshop on Classroom Assessment Techniques offered as part of the Graduate Student Refresher Series.
    Co-facilitated with Jennifer Moule (September 8, 2011) and with Jason McAllistair (September 7, 2012)
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (see here)
  • Reflecting on Feedback on your Teaching: a 3-hour workshop on the use of reflection and feedback to improve teaching.
    Co-facilitated with Alison Stewart, as part of the TAG Year End Series (April, 17, 2010).

  • Portfolio Workshops: between 2004 and 2009, I co-facilitated a large number of workshops on teaching portfolio.  Topics ranged from “how-to” seminars to help people use technology to build their own portfolios to the use of reflection in portfolios.

ISWs Facilitated

This document lists the ISWs I have co-facilitated and events I have been involved in facilitating and/or coordinating as part of my involvement in the ISW network.

ISWs co-facilitated

The following is a list of Instructional Skills Workshop and Presentation Skills Workshops that I have facilitated. 

  • 2012 October 14 & 15. Co-facilitated the Presentation Skills Workshop with Jason McAllistair (Graduate Student PSW)
  • 2012 July 17, 18, 19. Co-facilitated with Ellen Rosenberg (Faculty ISW)
  • 2010 April 20, 22, 27 & 29. Co-facilitated with Tim Came (Graduate Student ISW).
  • 2009, September 6, 12, 13. Co-facilitated with Heidi Ravenel (Graduate Student ISW)
  • 2009, April 16-18. Co-facilitated with Jim Sibley, Jackie Stewart and Allen Stevens (Faculty ISW)
  • 2007, December 14-16. Janice Johnson invited me to co-facilitate an ISW for the Canadian Avalanche Association (Revelstoke, BC) 
  • 2007, November 16-18. Janice Johnson invited me to facilitate an ISW for the Canadian Avalanche Association (Vancouver, BC) 
  • 2006, August 28-30. Co-facilitated with Suzanna Huebsch and Jackie Stewart (who shadowed me as part of her training to become a Faculty ISW facilitator).
  • 2006, January. Co-facilitated with Ingrid Price. 
  • 2005, September. I shadowed an experienced trainer, Alice Cassidy, in order to complete my ISW-facilitator training; facilitators for this Faculty ISW were Michael Fedeles and Alice Cassidy.

ISW-connected events I have facilitated and/or helped to coordinate and organize

  • ISW Joint Professional Development Day (December 3, 2008) (Organizing team: Desi Mou, Jen Jasper, Joe, Judy Chan, Isabeau Iqbal) 
  • ISW Joint Professional Development Day (May 17, 2006) Jennifer Jasper and I co-organized this day…many wonderful people facilitated sessions. 
  • As part of my work at TAG, I co-coordinated (with Alice Cassidy) the Faculty ISWs. As part of that role, I coordinated the facilitator schedule and helped plan professional development activities for facilitators. I had this role for approximately 1 year, ending in the fall 2007 when I started my doctoral studies.