Workshops facilitated

Workshops Facilitated

January 2025: Eeeks, I haven’t updated this page in about 10 years! I’ll get around to that eventually!!


This section of my portfolio lists some of my facilitation activities; I have divided these into Facilitative Teaching and Facilitation.

Facilitative Teaching

In my educational developer role, I have the pleasure of facilitating a variety of workshops. As a workshop facilitator, I generally take on the role of facilitative teaching. In facilitative teaching, the “teacher” has the content knowledge that she wants  learners to know (or the behaviours she wishes to help the learners change). She recognizes this but assumes she is not the only expert in the room; therefore, she uses the learners ideas and experience in her teaching. In facilitative teaching, the teacher guides the learning by presenting complex problems, cases, projects, or situations in order to help learners construct meaning and come to an understanding of important ideas and processes (Wiggins & McTighe, 2007; Nelson, 2009).

Workshops I have facilitated include (in alphabetical order):

  • Classroom Assessment Techniques: This 1-2 hour session focuses on helping instructors learn about, and design, formative assessment methods.
  • Course Design Intensive (CDI): In this 3-day workshop, participants work individually and collaboratively to design or re-design a course that they  teach or are planning to teach. Feedback from participants indicates that the CDI is extremely helpful for learning about alignment, learner-centered approaches, and backward design:

    “Thanks a lot for the excellent workshop you and your colleagues facilitated last week. It was truly amazing!” – Participant (December 2016)

  • Developing Your Skills as Peer Reviewer of Teaching: a four-hour experiential workshop to help individual gain skills and knowledge applicable in peer review of teaching situations. Participants are instructors and teaching assistants who come from different Faculties across UBC; we have also been invited to offer the workshop at the University of Northern BC and Douglas College. Co-facilitated with CTLT colleagues many times since 2009.
  • Educational Developers Portfolio: In 2016, Judy Chan and I co-facilitated a webinar titled “The Educational Developers Portfolio: Possibilities, Purposes and Preparation” for the Educational Developers’ Caucus. In 2017, I collaborated with Drs. Dawson, McDonald, and Chan to co-design and co-facilitate the first EDC Institute on the Educational Developers portfolio (see here, in “Past Institute” section)
  • Effective Team Presentations: a 1.5 hour workshop for graduate students who are working, in teams, to create and make a team presentation.
  • Feedback-related WorkshopsI have facilitated a number of workshops on giving and receiving feedback. Some of these were short workshops for graduate students. Others included:
    • Feedback workshop for PharmD students: This workshop is geared at enhancing feedback communication between PharmD students and their preceptors. The workshop activities engage the students in role-playing, brainstorming, discussion and script writing. Co-facilitated with Gary Poole since 2010. For photos and lesson plan, see here.
    • Feedback workshop for preceptors (of PharmD students and Residents): Workshop aimed at enhancing preceptors’ abilities to give and respond to feedback from students in the PharmD program or Residents. Offered November 22, 2013 (co-facilitated with Gary Poole, 3 hours).
  • For New Educational Developers: Full-day workshop offered at the Festival of Learning in 2016. Co-facilitated with: Jennifer Jasper (Justice Institute of BC) and Eric Kristensen (Retired educational developer).
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (see here).
  • Learning Outcomes: a 1-3 hour session designed to teach learning outcomes basics.
  • Learner-Centered Syllabus: 1-3 hour session designed to help instructors develop a learner-centered syllabus.
  • Peer Coaching for Graduate Students: a half day workshop for graduate students interested in building their skills as peer coaches.
  • Presentation Skills Workshop for Graduate Students: a 2-day workshop geared at enhancing presentation skills. 
  • Reflecting on Feedback on your Teaching: a 3-hour workshop on the use of reflection and feedback to improve teaching.
  • Teaching Portfolio Workshops: Topics have ranged from “how-to” seminars to help people use technology to build their own portfolios to the use of reflection in portfolios.  Most recently (December 2016), I co-facilitated a session titled “Using Your Teaching Portfolio to Showcase Your Educational Leadership” with Simon Albon and Simon Bates.  Sample feedback:
    “Thanks for facilitating such a helpful workshop!” – Faculty member, Faculty of Applied Science

    “Thanks to all of you for a very interesting and informative session…Sessions like the one you offered on Tuesday are very helpful to me as I try to orient myself to all these new developments and directions on campus.” – Faculty member, School of Music

  • TA Mentorship: a full day workshop for graduate students who are coordinating TA (teaching) mentorship programs in their departments and mentoring graduate students on teaching. Co-facilitated with Joseph Topornycky. (Workshop offered twice in August 2011 and again in September 2012).


“Group facilitation is a process in which a person, whose selection is acceptable to all members of the group, is substantively neutral,  and has no decision-making authority, diagnoses and intervenes to help a group improve how it identifies and solves problems and makes decisions, to increase the group’s effectiveness.” – Roger Schwarz

I distinguish facilitation from facilitative teaching because, in the latter, the facilitator has content expertise and purposefully works with learners to help them come to an understanding of specific and important ideas and processes.

Below, in reverse chronological order, are sessions I facilitated:

  • Characteristics of the Ideal Graduate. As part of an overall curriculum renewal process, Allyson Rayner and I co-facilitated a 3-hour working session with course co-ordinators and section leads from the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences, to help them articulate about characteristics of the ideal graduate. March 4, 2016.
  • Communication Skills for Health Science Professionals. On October 20, 2014, I was part of a facilitation team for a wonderful event for Audiology and Speech Language Pathology students.  This event involved professional actors who were acting out complex scenarios in which communication played a central piece. Students interacted with the actors in these situations.  My role was to facilitate the process, including the debrief.
  • Strategic Planning for OESD (Mission, Vision, Values). In May, 2013, I facilitated the development of a new mission statement for the OESD.  This process continued–slowly–until I left the OESD in April 2015
  • Cross-Professionals Collaboration. (Centre for Health Education Scholarship). In July, 2013, I facilitated an Historical Scan and Focused Conversation for seven members of a committee who had been working on a cross-professionals initiative for a number of years.  The purpose of the session was to reflect on what the group had learned so far and begin to plan for the future (this latter part was facilitated by Deborah Butler).  Deb, Glenn Regehr, Sarah Dobson and I worked closely together to plan this session.
  • Curriculum Retreat for new Entry to Practice PharmD Program. (Pharmaceutical Sciences). On June 20, 2013, Janice Johnson and I co-facilitated a curriculum retreat for the Faculty to assist members (approximately 60 participated) learn more about, and contribute their ideas to, the development of the new Entry-to-Practice PharmD program.

Photo credit: The colors of autumn by Susanne Nilsson (CC BY)

ISWs Facilitated

This document lists the ISWs I have co-facilitated and events I have been involved in facilitating and/or coordinating as part of my involvement in the ISW network.

ISWs co-facilitated

The following is a list of Instructional Skills Workshop and Presentation Skills Workshops that I have facilitated. 

  • 2014 October 19, 25 and 26. Co-facilitated with Ozlem Deniz (Graduate Student ISW)
  • 2012 October 14 & 15. Co-facilitated the Presentation Skills Workshop with Jason McAllistair (Graduate Student PSW)
  • 2012 July 17, 18, 19. Co-facilitated with Ellen Rosenberg (Faculty ISW)
  • 2010 April 20, 22, 27 & 29. Co-facilitated with Tim Came (Graduate Student ISW).
  • 2009, September 6, 12, 13. Co-facilitated with Heidi Ravenel (Graduate Student ISW)
  • 2009, April 16-18. Co-facilitated with Jim Sibley, Jackie Stewart and Allen Stevens (Faculty ISW)
  • 2007, December 14-16. Janice Johnson invited me to co-facilitate an ISW for the Canadian Avalanche Association (Revelstoke, BC) 
  • 2007, November 16-18. Janice Johnson invited me to facilitate an ISW for the Canadian Avalanche Association (Vancouver, BC) 
  • 2006, August 28-30. Co-facilitated with Suzanna Huebsch and Jackie Stewart (who shadowed me as part of her training to become a Faculty ISW facilitator).
  • 2006, January. Co-facilitated with Ingrid Price. 
  • 2005, September. I shadowed an experienced trainer, Alice Cassidy, in order to complete my ISW-facilitator training; facilitators for this Faculty ISW were Michael Fedeles and Alice Cassidy.

ISW-connected events I have facilitated and/or helped to coordinate and organize

  • ISW Joint Professional Development Day (December 3, 2008) (Organizing team: Desi Mou, Jen Jasper, Joe, Judy Chan, Isabeau Iqbal) 
  • ISW Joint Professional Development Day (May 17, 2006) Jennifer Jasper and I co-organized this day…many wonderful people facilitated sessions. 
  • As part of my work at TAG, I co-coordinated (with Alice Cassidy) the Faculty ISWs. As part of that role, I coordinated the facilitator schedule and helped plan professional development activities for facilitators. I had this role for approximately 1 year, ending in the fall 2007 when I started my doctoral studies.

Workshops Facilitated


In my educational developer role at CTLT, I have had the pleasure to facilitate a number of workshops. These include:

  • Presentation Skills Workshop for Graduate Students: a 2-day workshop geared at enhancing presentation skills. Link to CTLT webpage.
    Co-facilitated with Jason McAllistair (October 14 & 15, 2012)
  • Developing Your Skills as Peer Reviewer: a four-hour experiential workshop to help individual gain skills and knowledge applicable in peer review of teaching situations.
    Co-facilitated with Janice Johnson. Workshop delivered multiple times in 2010-2012, including at UBC, University of Northern BC and Douglas College. (Also Co-facilitated with Gary Poole in August 2012)
  • Giving Effective Workshop to PharmD Preceptors: Workshop geared to help feedback communication between PharmD students and their preceptors.
    Co-facilitated with Gary Poole (Workshop offered twice per year since 2009)
  • TA Mentorship: a full day workshop for graduate students who are coordinating TA (teaching) mentorship programs in their departments and mentoring graduate students on teaching.
    Co-facilitated with Joseph Topornycky. (Workshop offered twice in August 2011 and again in September 2012).
  • Peer Coaching for Graduate Students: a half day workshop for graduate students interested in building their skills as peer coaches.
    Co-facilitated with Sarah Moore (Workshop offered in August, 2011).
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques: a 2-hour workshop on Classroom Assessment Techniques offered as part of the Graduate Student Refresher Series.
    Co-facilitated with Jennifer Moule (September 8, 2011) and with Jason McAllistair (September 7, 2012)
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (see here)
  • Reflecting on Feedback on your Teaching: a 3-hour workshop on the use of reflection and feedback to improve teaching.
    Co-facilitated with Alison Stewart, as part of the TAG Year End Series (April, 17, 2010).

  • Portfolio Workshops: between 2004 and 2009, I co-facilitated a large number of workshops on teaching portfolio.  Topics ranged from “how-to” seminars to help people use technology to build their own portfolios to the use of reflection in portfolios.