Lesson 7

The Art of Dance               Level 2-Control

Lesson 2-3: Syncopation (Monday, February 3, 2020)

Operational Definitions:

Syncopation: a disturbance or interruption of the regular flow of rhythm/ consciously tuning different rhythms/body parts/motions

Articulate: (of a person or a person’s words) having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. (of a person or person’s dance) having or showing the ability to communicate fluently and coherently.

With pacing and weight control knowledge at hand, one is ready to begin practicing the art of syncopation. Textural convergence or divergence, meaning the intentional use of complimentary or opposing textures, is a great place to start if one wishes to create a dynamic. What is most important to remember is what it is you are trying to say (with your dance). What is most important to consider is how to have people hear what you are trying to say.

Once one has found two or more components, whether they be rhythms,body parts, or motions,

* (I encourage you to think of more things to syncopate! However, to not get overwhelmed working within these 3 is a good place to start) *

the next step is to determine the pacing desired.

Once one has determined the pace they wish to use they must determine how to properly manage their weight control and motion output. The result will be a clear, impactful expression with endless limitations to evolve.

Or in other words:

Pacing + Weight Control + Syncopation = Articulate dancing

Syncopate, create, cultivate great state